4 Hardcore Zombie Novellas

Read 4 Hardcore Zombie Novellas for Free Online

Book: Read 4 Hardcore Zombie Novellas for Free Online
Authors: Cheryl Mullenax
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy, Thrillers, Horror
    His penis remained stubbornly erect inside his unconscious lover.
    He remembered that a possible sideffect of Cialis was priapism, an erection that would not go away for hours.
    Was the little yellow caplet (Jamie had jokingly called it his “hamburger helper”) putting
too much
lead in his pencil, he wondered.
    But he didn’t trouble himself long with worry. Feeling unaccountably fatigued, he fell asleep with his hard-on held firmly within the folds of Jamie’s sex.
Fuck Me Dead
    Piggy Poop stayed on the ground and didn’t try to resist as the bum unzipped and stuck his prick into the hole in her head. It was an odd sensation, nothing much sexual about it, but not unpleasant for an erstwhile antichrist and former Goth chick with a death wish. It reminded her vaguely of the recreational cutting she used to do on her flesh with a razor blade, except that the skull-fucking didn’t hurt. Come to that, nothing much hurt her now. Weird. As shit. And getting weirder.
    The dude’s dick made squishing sounds against her exposed brain. “Fucking your brains out, cunt,” he said and laughed between ugly grunts of piggish passion.
    Piggy smiled, or thought she did, it was hard to tell because she was pretty much numb all over, physical sensations dulled by death—or whatever this was. It was certainly some variation of death because you sure as shit couldn’t call this living. But smile she did, or tried to. She’d always wanted her brains fucked out. Not necessarily by a stinking hobo but beggars and dead girls couldn’t be choosers. She would let the guy get his nut and then she would have his nuts and his cock too, as appetizers. After that she would make a feast of his choicest parts before he died. The bum with the shitty britches was not on her menu. And for the moment Suck was busy wrestling with Sick, trying to keep him on the ground and wrapped in the blanket. Suck was apparently so dense that he didn’t know, as Piggy did, that Sick was like her—some kind of dead.
    Sop was on his knees with his loins bridging the back of Piggy’s head and his hands resting on the ground as he made short thrusts into her head, the tip of his prick hammering her brain as he worked the narrow fissure in her skull. He made nastier grunting noises and occasionally snorted like a rooting pig as he got closer to getting his nut.
    The way Piggy Poop was positioned, she had a good view of Suck and Sick going at each other, shitty Suck having the upper hand because Sick was half swaddled in the blanket and couldn’t get clear enough to win the advantage and do what Piggy knew he so wanted to do to his opponent with the beating heart and tantalizing living flesh.
    “I don’t know why you ain’t dead, bitch,” the brain-fucker sweet talked her, “but this is the best brain I ever had, haw hee haw.”
    Getting into the spirit of the crazy-ass moment, Piggy said, “Fuck me dead,” or tried to. What came out as a whisper was more like “Uck ee edd.”
    “I wouldn’t touch your skanky pussy,” he said, “with Sambo’s dick but your skull hole is sweet. Damn!”
    “Fuck me dead, cocksucker.” Which of course hissed out as “Uck ee edd, ock ucka.”
    “Here it comes, you retard whore. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaa …”


And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell
delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged
every man according to their works.
—Revelation 20:13
Terror Man
    Nadif Awad was a long way from Somaliland. It was a strange and winding path that brought him from his African homeland to the border of the United States, land of infidels and corrupt kingdom of the Great Satan. It was not until he came to understand that the stoning death of his betrothed Aziza was the will of Allah that Nadif was ready to join the Grand Jihad and to take the attack to America. Now whenever he relived in nightmares the stoning of his beloved Aziza, he

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