1984 - Hit Them Where it Hurts

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Book: Read 1984 - Hit Them Where it Hurts for Free Online
Authors: James Hadley Chase
her to put this money in a bank. I am glad to say she did this.’
    ‘She must have been a real character. You are sure she did put the money in the bank?’
    ‘Oh, yes. I have checked. She deposited the money with the Pacific & National Bank four days before she was murdered. I am in touch with Mr. Ackland, the general manager there. It is now a matter of locating Zeigler.’
    ‘What have you done to find him?’
    He gave a weary smile.
    ‘The usual things: advertising, the police, the Missing Person’s Bureau. I have done the best I can, but, up to now, and it’s two months ago, I haven’t been able to trace Zeigler.’ He leaned forward and looked hopefully at me. ‘But now you are also looking for him, this gives me hope. If you can’t find him, who can?’
    ‘Suppose he’s dead? What happens to the money?’
    ‘If he died after Miss Angus it would go to his next of kin. But I have to be sure he is dead.’
    Another blind alley.
    I got back to my office by taxi. Thankful for the air conditioner, I sat at my desk and typed my report. I had just finished when Bill came in, mopping his face.
    ‘Hell!’ he moaned, dropping into his chair. ‘It’s awful outside.’
    ‘What have you got for me?’
    ‘Good hunch of yours. A big black buck came out, got into a white Caddy and took off. I followed him to the Black Cassette. He got out and went in, then a young black came out and took the Caddy away.’
    ‘Tell me about the big black.’
    Bill grimaced.
    ‘A real tough, and make no mistake about that. He stands around six foot six: a small head on shoulders a yard wide. He was wearing a sweatshirt and I could see his muscles, like oranges, rippling. He moved like a dancer. He had hands like hams. He looked as dangerous as a cobra. That’s it, Dirk. I didn’t need to enquire if he was Hank Smedley.’
    I looked at my watch. It was close on two hours since I had talked to Dolly Gilbert. It was time to see her again. I gave Bill my report.
    ‘See you, Bill. Stick around,’ and leaving him, I rode down to the street, got in my car and headed for the Breakers.
    I had only to thumb her bell push when the door jerked open, and there she was, giving me the usual whore’s smile of welcome.
    ‘Come on in, gorgeous,’ she said. ‘Sorry about the delay, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.’
    I entered the big living room as she closed the door.
    ‘Look, honey,’ she said, ‘I’m a little pressed for time. Let’s have my present—fifty bucks, and let’s go into action. Right?’
    I walked by her into the bedroom, looked into the kitchen, then the tiny bathroom, then satisfied we were alone, I returned to the bedroom where she was standing by the bed, regarding me uneasily.
    ‘You scared of something, mister?’ she asked.
    ‘No. I want to talk to you, Dolly.’ Taking her by her arm, I led her back into the living room. ‘Sorry, baby, but this isn’t your kind of business.’ I gave her my professional card, then sat down in a shabby but comfortable chair.
    She stared for some moments at the card, then she walked up to me and thrust the card at me. She said in a harsh voice, ‘On your way, Buster! Get the hell out of here!’
    ‘I am looking for information,’ I said, giving her my friendly smile. ‘It pays a hundred bucks. Now don’t tell me you’re not interested in a hundred bucks.’
    She stared, then held out her hand.
    ‘Let’s see the money.’
    I took out my wallet, found a hundred-dollar bill, showed it to her, then folded and palmed it. ‘Do we talk?’
    She sat down in a chair near mine. Her wrap came apart. She was naked, but her body didn’t appeal to me. OK, she was slim, with good-looking breasts, a flat tummy and dark pubic hair, but she was shop-soiled: not surprising by the way she lived.
    ‘Talk about what?’
    I put my card back in my wallet.
    ‘I’m looking for Terry Zeigler.’
    Her eyes became alert.
    ‘What makes you think I know anything about Terry?’

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