simple. They don’t even check the bags of tourists. I tell you ... they love them.’
Girland stubbed out his cigarette while he thought, then he asked, ‘Suppose I do find the money, what makes you think you’ll ever see any of it?’
Moss grinned.
‘It’s a gamble. I haven’t a hope of getting the money myself. So how am I worse off? It wouldn’t be that safe for you to gyp me. Sooner or later, I would catch up with you, and then you would be in trouble.’
Girland leaned back in his chair, his smile widened.
‘Or you would be, Harry,’ he said. ‘I’m tricky when little boys like you try to make trouble.’
Moss grinned amiably.
‘Oh sure. I’ve asked around. You’re tough, but I would have a try. Anyway, it’s a gamble. What do you say?’
‘I’ll think about it. Where’s the money hidden?’
‘I’ll tell you that when we meet at the airport and when you show me your air ticket.’
‘Who’s paying for the trip? I’ll need at least two thousand francs.’
‘Yeah, I’ve thought of that. I can dig up two thousand francs.’
‘Well, I might do it,’ Girland said. ‘Suppose you call me tomorrow morning around ten o’clock?’ He got to his feet. ‘I’m not sold on the Iron Curtain. I don’t like it.’
‘That makes two of us,’ Moss said. ‘You talk around. Anyone will tell you, for a tourist, it is dead easy.’
‘I’ll do just that. So long for now,’ and Girland left the room.
Moss finished his drink. Then he went down to the Clubroom. Pushing his way to a telephone booth, he shut himself in He dialled a number. After a delay a curt voice said, ‘Yes?’
‘This is A for Apple,’ Moss said. ‘Your party is deciding by tomorrow morning. It’s my bet, he will go.’
‘I thought he would,’ Dorey said and hung up.
* * *
Girland was also telephoning. Opposite La Croix d’Or was a cafe. He had gone there immediately, and was talking to Bill Lampson of the New York Herald Tribune whose encyclopedic knowledge had often been useful to Girland.
‘Hi, Bill, I’m back,’ Girland said. ‘How’s life?’
‘Is that Girland?’ Lampson said. ‘Well, for Pete’s sake! I thought you were lost for good ... and I repeat ... for good.’
‘Don’t take it so hard Paris is big enough for both of us ... so what’s biting you?’
‘Nothing yet. How was Hong Kong?’
‘How were the girls?’
‘Is it true what they say about Chinese girls?’
‘If you mean what I think you mean the answer is no but they are definitely to be recommended,’ Girland thought of Tan-Toy. ‘I’ll say that again.’
‘Are you calling me to make me envious or is there something else?’ Lampson asked.
‘A little information. Bill. Can you confirm that there was an Army payroll robbery in West Berlin around three or four weeks ago?’
There was a pause, then Lampson said, ‘Do you know something?’
‘I’m asking you. Bill. Don’t play hard to get.’
‘Yeah, you’re right. Two conscripted men got away with fifty thousand bucks.’
‘Know who they are?’
‘Harry Moss and Ferdy Newman. The cops are still looking for them. There’s a rumour they got behind the Iron Curtain. What’s all this about? You know something? Listen. Girland, this could be big news.’
Girland gently replaced the receiver. So it looked as if Moss was telling the truth. Thirty thousand dollars! He walked thoughtfully to his car. What had he to lose? Moss said he would pay his expenses. Even if the money wasn’t there, a trip to Prague would be interesting. He decided he would go.
He drove back to his apartment. There would be a visa to take care of, he reminded himself, but that shouldn’t take long.
With any luck, he could get off in three or four days.
He spent ten minutes circling before he found space to park his Fiat 500, then he started the long climb to his apartment.
Finally, he reached the seventh floor. Here, he paused.
The girl in the
Mating Season Collection, Eliza Gayle
Lady Reggieand the Viscount