1953 - The Things Men Do

Read 1953 - The Things Men Do for Free Online

Book: Read 1953 - The Things Men Do for Free Online
Authors: James Hadley Chase
Moss Bros, and hired an evening dress suit. I had cashed Bill's cheque so I had the necessary money and the transaction went off without a hitch.
    I was also given a suitcase to take the suit, shirt and accessories, and I took it to Charing Cross Station and lodged it with the Left Luggage Office.
    Don't think I was happy about this deception. I wasn't, but I couldn't bring myself to tell Ann that Gloria had invited me to a party, and I wasn't taking her with me.
    This would be the first time since we had married that I was going out without her; and worse, going out with another woman. I kept telling myself that it was a business date; that it was a chance in a lifetime. I assured myself that I would be a reckless fool to have refused Gloria's invitation, but I knew I was doing the wrong thing by not insisting that Ann should come with me. But the idea of telling her that Gloria had invited me to her flat after Ann had actually asked me if Gloria had been the cause of our misunderstanding, was beyond me.
    I knew I couldn't have looked her in the face if I told her.
    Besides, I knew she wouldn't go: she couldn't go. She hadn't an evening dress. I took the easy way out by deciding not to tell her.
    Saturday was fine, after a week of solid rain. During the afternoon, Ann made preparations for supper and spent some time pressing her only decent dress. She was getting a big bang out of going to the movies with Bill and me. We hadn't been to the movies for six months, and it made me feel pretty bad to see her excitement, knowing I wasn't going with them.
    She had made a rabbit pie for supper: Bill's favourite dish, and around seven she came into the sitting-room to announce everything was ready.
    She looked bright-eyed and pretty in her simple dress, and looking up at her as she stood before me for my approval, I felt a pang of conscience that dug right into my guts.
    "You look terrific, Ann." I got up and walked around her.
    "Who says I haven't married a beautiful girl?"
    "Do I look all right?" She held out her arms and I kissed her. "Everything's ready. I hope Bill won't be late."
    "It's ten to. He'll be along. Trust Bill. He won't miss the rabbit pie."
    "Who's talking about rabbit pie?" Bill asked from the doorway.
    He had got on his best blue suit, and his red face was freshly shaved. As he came into the room, he held out a big bunch of clove pinks with an embarrassed smirk.
    "Here you are, Ann. I don't suppose they'll last long. I bent down one of the Spivs at the corner."
    To see the way Ann's face lit up as she took the flowers made me feel a little sick. I was in two minds not to go to Gloria's place. I had never seen Ann looking prettier. Even Bill, who never noticed things like that, had something to say about her.
    "You know, Harry, you've married a lovely girl. First time I've noticed it."
    Ann laughed.
    "You be quiet, Bill. That's not a bit complimentary. Come on and eat. We don't want to be late."
    We sat down at the table at a few minutes to seven. Any moment now, Gloria would ring, and the phone call would start a train of lies that night to go on and on, and have no stopping.
    The thought spoilt my appetite and made me ashamed of myself.
    Bill was too busy with his pie to notice, but Ann was quick to see something was wrong.
    She smiled at me a little uncertainly.
    "All right, Harry?"
    "Fine." I gave her a fixed grin. "This is terrific. Isn't it, Bill?"
    "It's all right. If ever I marry, I'll make my wife learn how to make this but I bet she won't be able to make it so well as Ann does."
    Then the telephone bell rang.
    Ann half started up.
    "It's all right. I'll take it," I said, and jumped for the door. I was in such a panic to head Ann off that I upset my chair and knocked my knife and fork on the floor.
    As I opened the door, I saw surprise on Bill's face while Ann sat rigid, her eyes suddenly anxious.
    I went down the stairs to the office and lifted the receiver.
    "Well, you told me to ring, Harry,

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