for X-ray eyes?
Are you being sarcastic about my lucky bottle?
Yeah, and I regret it. Its not a good idea to disrespect a lucky bottle. Ill meet you at the Jeep. Good thing you at least got your hairspray, case you meet up with some of the locals.
I POWER WALKED down the alley, keeping to the shadows, where I hoped I wouldnt be seen. I scurried around the corner, and by the time I reached Stark Street, my heart rate was at stroke level. I did some deep breathing and tried to calm myself before I got to the car, so I wouldnt have to listen to Lula go on about how I should carry a gun. Okay, probably she was right, but I really hated guns, and I could never remember where I hid the bullets.
Ranger had a remote door entry on the Jeep, so I beeped us in, and Lula and I sat watching the funeral parlor.
Do you know Bobby Sunflower? Lula asked me.
Hes the tall dude just come out.
Is Sunflower his real name?
So far as I know, Lula said.
Bobby Sunflower was a little over six foot tall. He was lean, with a long face and long cornrows that came to his shoulders. He was dressed in a pinstriped suit and a white shirt that was unbuttoned to halfway down his chest. He had a lot of gold chains around his neck, and I could see his diamond ring from where I sat. He had two men with him who looked like dumb muscle. They stood two steps behind while Sunflower talked to a fireplug guy in a bad-fitting black suit.
Sizzling Sixteen
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A black Cadillac Escalade with tinted windows rolled to a stop in front of the funeral home. Sunflower turned from Melon and got into the Escalades backseat. One of the gunners got into the front passenger seat, the other got in next to Sunflower, and the car moved off down the street.
I put the Jeep in gear and followed the Escalade. I kept my distance, staying about a half block behind. They went all the way down Stark, took State Street to Broad, and I lost them on Broad. Too much traffic on Broad. I lost them when I couldnt run a light.
I got a bad feeling about Bobby Sunflower, Lula said. Some people just make you scared inside, and hes one of those people.
I turned off Broad and made my way through the Burg to Hamilton and the bonds office. I dropped Lula at her car and headed for home. I was a block from my apartment building when Mickey Gritch passed me going in the opposite direction. Black Mercedes with purple pimp lights flashing around his license plate. Hard to miss. I cut my lights and made a U-turn on Hamilton. I put a car between me and Gritch, and I put my lights back on.
Gritch turned right on Olden, crossed the railroad tracks, and wound around, ending on Stark. He took the alley behind the funeral home, parked behind the limo, and got out. I was around the corner, on the dark side street, watching with my lights off. Gritch got out of his car, walked to the back door, and knocked. The door opened, Gritch walked in, and the door closed.
I checked my rear view mirror and saw that a car had pulled up behind me. My pulse quickened, and I was about to step on the gas when Ranger angled out of the car and walked to the Jeep.
I got out and stood next to him, and my pulse didnt drop back. Ranger at close proximity on a dark and deserted street would make any womans heart race.
You scared the bejeezus out of me, I said to him. I didnt know it was you at first.
Chet was monitoring the fleet, and he saw you make a U-turn and start tailing Gritch.
And you were in the neighborhood?
No. I grabbed my keys and came out to watch you in action. He did a full body scan on me. Is this a new look?
Lula and I were here earlier, and Lula thought Id fit in better if I was a ho.
Ranger put his hands to my waist and slid them up bare skin to where I had my shirt rolled and tucked into my bra. He loosened my shirt and smoothed it down.
You looked cold, he said.
I was pretty sure he was referring to the state of my nipples, and because it was Ranger, I was
Annathesa Nikola Darksbane, Shei Darksbane