World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1

Read World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 for Free Online

Book: Read World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 for Free Online
Authors: Blizzard Entertainment
a plan to shatter the last vestiges of the Black Empire forever. They would battle each of the Old Gods directly. Once they had weakened the creatures,Archaedas would create subterranean chambers to contain them.Mimiron would then fashion colossal machineries to lock the Old Gods in place. When this work was done,Loken would imbue each prison with a great enchantment that would neutralize the Old Gods’ evil.
    With their plans formed, the titan-forged began their campaign. Great battles tore across the land as the titan-forged fought their way southeast to the bastion ofN’Zoth. After overwhelming the Old God, the keepers used their powers to encase the creature in an underground prison.
    Next, the titan-forged marched southwest to the sprawling temple city that had grown around the third Old God,C’Thun. The keepers and their allies purged swarms of n’raqi before assaulting the Old God itself and subduing it. Much as they had done with N’Zoth, the keepers entombed the entity beneath the earth and constructed a prison of their own devising over its form.
    Only one Old God remained, the vicious and cunningYogg-Saron. It would not fall so easily. As the titan-forged closed in on Yogg-Saron’s crumbling northern stronghold, the Old God unleashed the greatest of its generals: theC’Thraxxi.
    The C’Thraxxi were monstrous war bringers, larger and more resilient than other n’raqi. They possessed great strength and brutal intellect, and their dark powers and maledictions could drive even the titan-forged to madness.
    The giant, tentacle-faced C’Thraxxi whipped the remnants of the Black Empire into a frenzy. They swarmed the titan-forged on all sides, thinning their ranks. By the time the keepers and their allies reached Yogg-Saron, their forces were greatly diminished. They found that they lacked the strength of numbers to defeat the Old God. Yogg-Saron would have destroyed the titan-forged completely if not for the heroic efforts ofOdyn.
    Although scarred and battered by war, Odyn summoned his waning strength and inspired the titan-forged to launch a counterattack. He commanded Loken to weave a grand illusion spell that forced the C’Thraxxi to see themselves—and even Yogg-Saron—as the enemy. As the Black Empire’s forces turned on one another, Odyn swooped in to cut down his confused foes. The other titan-forged followed his lead, and together they succeeded in pacifying Yogg-Saron. As they had done with C’Thun and N’Zoth, the keepers buried the entity beneath the earth, locking it away in a monolithic enchanted prison.

F or the first time in Azeroth’s history, a tentative peace settled over the world. The titan-forged had banished the chaotic elemental lords to another plane of existence. They had also purged the Black Empire and muted the terrible power of the Old Gods. Against all odds, Azeroth had been saved.
    But there was much work to be done. The keepers’ most pressing concern was the horrific scar left behind when Aman’Thul had torn Y’Shaarj from the world’s crust. A constant stream of volatile arcane energy bled from the colossal rift, lashing out across the world. The keepers knew that, if left unattended, these energies would consume Azeroth over time.
    The keepers labored day and night, crafting magic wards around the gaping wound to stanch the escaping lifeblood. Eventually, the tumultuous energies calmed and settled into balance. All that remained of the scar was an immense lake of scintillating energy that the keepers would call the “Well of Eternity.” Thereafter, the power of this wondrous fount would be infused in the ailing world, helping life to take root and bloom across the globe.
    With the wound healed, the keepers sought to strengthen Azeroth’s nascentworld-soul and stabilize its life force. To do so, Archaedas and Mimiron combined their powers to craft theForge of Wills and theForge of Origination. These two extraordinary machines would work in tandem, infusing

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