Wine of the Gods 4: Explorers

Read Wine of the Gods 4: Explorers for Free Online

Book: Read Wine of the Gods 4: Explorers for Free Online
Authors: Pam Uphoff
advantage on us, and we'll whittle that down a bit as they move today. We'll keep about of a third of our people mobile, and the rest will hold the ridge." He pondered logistics. "I'll send food and grain to the Middle Springs. Make sure the Auralians, or whoever they are, don't follow you there."
    "Yes, sir." With a snappy salute.
    Hmm, maybe mil itary discipline could survive two years of farming.
    He was back on the ridge shortly after dawn.
    Ornisto briefed him. Jin returned the favor. He frowned when he spotted Mev on the ridge.
    "She insisted. And there are so many little foot paths up over the ridge that I need the older women to watch them, and throw and roll rocks while they scream bloody murder. The younger women have taken all of the children and the less useful of the horses off for the High Vale. Lady Cina says she'll keep a watch and cross the pass if the wrong men come after them." He looked suggestively at the tents set up on a flat spot.
    Jin nodded. "I'd better eat first through. Then I'll sleep. And then fight."
    He slept fitfully, as horses and men came and went. By noon the Auralians were in sight, and dismounted to form up in their fighting array. Uniforms glittered, a flag hung limp. Yep. Auralians.
    They sent an emissary, and Jin walked out with two officers, the Corporal, and a boy to run messages.
    "We come in Peace. Why do you make War?" the man demanded in a loud orator's voice. He kept his distance and ensured everyone could hear.
    "Why did you not come first? Your armed spies prowling at night attacked a man here in our town. A poor start to proving the peaceful intent of two hundred armed men in a military column, bearing the colors of a foreign nation."
    "We sent no spies. If your constables cannot find your sneak thieves, it is not our fault, although we can assist you in fixing the problem. In these unclaimed wastes, we must all work together for Peace."
    Jin snorted. "We need no assistance, and these lands are part of the Kingdom of the West. I hold these lands through a grant of King Rebo Negue."
    "King Negue cannot give away what he does not own."
    "Indeed. Is this a Declaration of War I hear? Does Auralia seek to contend for the control of these lands?"
    "We come in Peace, to unite all of mankind under a single banner, to stop all strife, forever."
    "Nothing is forever."
    "Peace is. Behold! The God of Peace has arrived!"
    Light flashed at the flat top of a rock knob halfway between Jin and the Auralian army. The youth from the ceremony last night, mounted on a horse. In the daylight, youth and horse were equally golden. Jin's skin crawled and the hair stood up on the back of his neck. Not again! Not Wizards!
    "Do you accept Peace?" T he golden youth's voice carried unnaturally.
    "Turn and leave us, and we will both know Peace." Jin called back.
    The youth spun the palomino. He raised his hand to the Auralian Army. "Bring them Peace!" He bellowed, and swept his arm down to point at Jin.
    A roar rose from the Army, and they started advancing in order, shields up.
    Jin caught muttering and unease behind him. "Hold steady lads, we know all about magic." He hesitated, this could be a bad idea . . . "Get me torches, six of them, quickly." Jesse took off running as Jin and his officers retreated more slowly.
    The Auralian Emissary was retreating too, and Jin checked out the terrain  . . . a flat topped knob, only about ten feet across, but three feet high. This would do. He climbed up as Jesse returned with the torches, one lit. Smart boy.
    Jin lit the rest, and lay them equidistantly around the flat topped knob. In the daylight, they were more noticeable for the thin strings of dark smoke from the tar that impregnated them, than the actual flames. He stepped  back and raised his voice. "God of War. God of Defenders. Help us today as we fight for our families and our freedom." He turned to face the ridge. "War!" he bellowed. Let them take heart, do not let a bit of flash steal their

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