When Love Calls

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Book: Read When Love Calls for Free Online
Authors: Unknown
was doing too much too soon, but in my usual fashion, I rebelled and took another shot down, right there in his face.
    “Aww Chris, you do care.” I said with feigned sincerity. He shook his head and placed a glass of ice water in front of me before attending to some other patrons.
    “Damn girl you couldn’t wait?” Angie popped up behind me. I swiveled around to find her and the other girls standing there. I flagged down Chris and as he approached I yelled over the music, “One more for me and one for each of my friends.”
    “You good?” Angie placed her hand on my shoulder and searched my eyes to determine my level of intoxication.
    “I’m good Ang.” I did my best not to slur my words, but Chris and Angie still eyed me intently. I collected myself before I slid down and gave my best sober strut toward the bathroom.  Shit. Maybe I did go too hard too soon but dammit I feel nice. After using the facilities, I splashed some cold water on my face and headed back to the bar. I climbed back on my stool and had Chris bring me an order of fries and another shot.

    Chapter Two
    Oh. My. God!! I winced in pain as my pupils adjusted to the overbearing sun rays bursting through my window.  As I rolled over to avoid the shards of light slicing through my irises into my skull, the watery taste of bile filled my mouth. I bounded across the hardwood floor and onto the cool linoleum with my hand clamped tightly over my mouth. No sooner than my knees hit the floor, the contents of my stomach met the bowl. The tequila was definitely not as good the second time. My throat burned and my eyes watered with each involuntary, abdominal jerk. Spent, I leaned my head against the cold; porcelain bowl panting and sweating as I waited to see if anything else wanted to make a repeat appearance. Once the churning subsided I slowly stumbled to my feet and drug myself back in the direction of the bed. The last thing I remembered was taking shots with Angie and Feliz at the bar. How the hell did I get home? I walked over to the window and braved the sun’s rays to peek down at the driveway. The car was there. There’s no way I drove home last night. I picked up my phone and called Angie.
    “Morning Killer!” Angie answered knowingly.
    “Good morning.” I groaned.
    “How’re you feeling? My guess would be hung over.”  This time her voice was laced with sarcasm.
    “C’mon Ang. Not today. I just called to ask you to fill in some gaps about last night. You already know I’m hung over so don’t give me any shit about it.” My words were meant to sound commanding, but there was pleading in my voice.
    “Eww! Somebody’s an angry drunk! What do you want to know exactly?”
    “How’d I get home last night? How many shots did I have and more importantly, why did you let me take so many?”
    “Oh, I didn’t know I was selected to be your guardian last night. I’m not in the business of telling grown folks what to do, but for the record, I did mention to you that maybe you should slow down but you slurred something about ‘drowning men in tequila’ and something else about ‘fuck Mike Larza’ and then took another shot. When you went for your second trip to the bathroom and didn’t return, we came in after you. You were passed out on the toilet, so Amber paid your tab, and I drove you home. Feliz followed me and took me back to get my car. You really should find a better hiding place for your spare key, under the flower pot is just too obvious. Anyway, how are you feeling, really?  I don’t mean the hangover; I mean personally? What’s up with you?”
    “I’m good Ang. I’m just trying to sort some things out in my head and my heart. Here lately I’ve been feeling stuck in a rut. Something is missing, and I don’t know what it is. I know going on a drinking binge isn’t the way to figure it all out but I’m not sure I’m ready to take the steps toward change. My life right now is comfortable; you know? I

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