What The Heart Wants

Read What The Heart Wants for Free Online

Book: Read What The Heart Wants for Free Online
Authors: Jessica Gadziala
Friendly. A good neighbor. Even if he did sort-of say that she had a good body. “So what…” Annabelle started when she was interrupted by Ashley, the waitress from her first visit, suddenly walking over with what looked like a disapproving frown.
    “Someone,” she said with a flick of her head indicating the person was behind her, “wanted me to bring you these.” It was then that Anna noticed the plate she was carrying was piled high with what looked like one of every danish the diner carried. Her mouth watered. Ashley leaned closer to her. “I could go right over there and drop them in his lap if you want,” she said and Anna realized she was dead serious.
    Anna giggled and shook her head. “That would be a waste of perfectly delicious danishes.”
    “Suit yourself,” Ashley grimaced. “but I am not thanking him for you.”
    Annabelle shook her head, smiling as she arranged the desserts in front of her. It was then that she looked up to Sam and caught a glimpse of a dark look cross his face before he noticed her looking at him and replaced it with that adorable lopsided grin again.
    “You cant possibly be thinking about eating all of those, can you?”
    Anna stifled the insecurity that told her that she shouldn’t be stuffing her face in front of an attractive man. “Just watch me,” she said instead, taking a huge bite out of a apricot and cheese danish.
    Sam laughed, a rich infectious laugh.
    Anna felt someone lean over her chair from behind, their face next to her ear. She didn’t have to look to know it was Eric. Who else would take such liberty with someone’s personal space?
    “There’s something sexy about a woman enjoying her food,” he said and sauntered away and out of the diner. She could have sworn her ran a finger across her neck before he stepped away. She felt a shiver spread down her spine.
    Looking up at Sam, she noticed the dark look again. She held up a hand as if to stop him from talking although he wasn’t even trying to speak. “I’ve already had the lecture. From Ashley. And Maude. And judging from that frown Hank The Friendly Grocer is giving me, I have another one in my future. So save it.”
    Sam shrugged. “No smoke without fire they say.” He reached across the table and stole a corner from her apple danish and popped it in his mouth.
    “I’ll have to invest in a fire extinguisher.”
    “I grew up with the O’reillys,” Sam said. “that might be too subtle.”
    Annabelle giggled. “Well then, a high powered fire hose. Or one of those airplanes they use on wild fires. I can improvise.”
    “Good to know,” Sam said, rising and dropping a fifty-dollar bill on the table. “Don’t forget to come and visit sometime.”
    “I wont,” she said, feeling uncomfortable. Outside of her mother’s boyfriends, a man had never paid for her food before. And in one meal, Sam had paid for her dinner and Eric had paid for her dessert. “Here,” she said as the waitress came over again. “this is for you.”
    The girl smiled broadly. Their bill couldn’t have been more than twenty dollars. “He’s the best tipper in town.”
    Sam heard the cigarette lighter click as soon as he walked outside the diner. He sighed. “What do you want, O’reilly?”
    Eric shrugged. “She’s a breath of fresh air,” Eric commented.
    “Which is exactly why you should stay away from her.”
    “Ouch,” Eric laughed.
    “Oh come on, man,” Sam sighed, leaning on the wall next to him. “she’s a sweetheart. You’ll get tired of her in a week and she’ll be heartbroken.”
    “Think that highly of me, huh Flynn?”
    “Or that lowly. I don’t have a vested interest here. I just think she had enough on her plate without having to become another notch in your belt.”
    “Yeah,” Eric said, crushing his cigarette butt on the outdoor ashtray. “keep telling yourself that,” he laughed and walked away.
    Sam didn’t know what was wrong with him. He and Eric had always gotten

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