What Happens in Tuscany...

Read What Happens in Tuscany... for Free Online

Book: Read What Happens in Tuscany... for Free Online
Authors: T A Williams
    She rubbed the back of her hand across her face and Katie made a mental note to add make-up to their shopping list. She waited until Victoria had recovered her composure and then did her best to be supportive and positive.
    â€˜Don’t let it get you down too much, Victoria. Your father wasn’t all wrong, you know. I drove around for years in my little car and, believe me, it was crap. It was forty, fifty, sixty years younger than your dad’s cars, but it wouldn’t go up hills, it leaked like a sieve and, in winter, it never wanted to start. And, in fact, it’s died now, completely. So it’s not all good out there in the twenty-first century. But we’ll soon get you up to speed. It won’t take you long, I promise. You’ll see.’ She gave Victoria a bright smile and was gratified to see the beginnings of a smile on her young employer’s face.
    â€˜Anyway, if you’ll let me, I think we should be able to get a TV and a computer installed up here in a very short space of time. And then, I’ll take you on a trip through the modern world that’ll blow your mind.’ Seeing Victoria’s expression, she translated. ‘That’ll amaze and astound you.’ As she was talking, she was thinking: music and cinema. An iPod and a stereo system would have to appear on their shopping list, plus some must-see DVDs. Maybe a Kindle would come in handy. She was beginning to realise that she was going to have her work cut out.
    â€˜Katie…’ Victoria’s face had cleared. She looked up, straight into Katie’s eyes. ‘Whatever it takes, Katie.’ She was smiling now. ‘One thing we aren’t short of is money, so, like I say, whatever it takes.’

Chapter Four
    The trip to Exeter was a great success. By the end of the afternoon, they had bought a lot more than Katie had written on her list. It was fortunate that Mackintosh had chosen to take a Rolls-Royce this time. It was an enormous vehicle with a cavernous boot. Even so, they filled it to bursting. Apart from a mass of clothes, books and films, there were two laptops, two tablet computers, a large flat screen television and numerous other electronic devices.
    To Katie’s surprise, all the purchases were paid for by Mackintosh, who followed them round patiently, settling up shop by shop as they moved on from one to another. Katie was relieved to see that he used a debit card. For a while she had been wondering if he would appear with a bag of gold sovereigns, but clearly, some aspects of modernity had, of necessity, had to intrude upon the isolation of Iddlescombe Manor. However, as far as Katie could see, Victoria didn’t even carry a purse.
    Although Katie had had a pretty privileged upbringing, without any real money worries, she had never experienced anything like this before. She had started to keep tab of just how much was being spent, but she gave up after the figures became a blur. Victoria was spending thousands of pounds without batting an eyelid. And yet, somehow, Katie didn’t feel jealous. However much money Victoria might have, it still couldn’t compensate for the loss of so many years of her life. She knew Jen would have a fit when, or rather if, she told her, but she didn’t know the full story.
What was that thing about money not buying happiness again
    They had lunch in a restaurant near the fine old cathedral. The two girls sat by the window, while Mackintosh disappeared for a short while. Victoria demonstrated that she wasn’t quite as green as she looked by informing Katie of his likely destination.
    â€˜I’m pretty sure he’s gone to the bookmakers. He’s always been one for a flutter on the horses. When he and my father used to go to the local point-to-point, they would always place a few bets.’
    â€˜Didn’t they take you? You love horses after all.’ Victoria caught her eye and gave the now familiar

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