
Read WayFarer for Free Online

Book: Read WayFarer for Free Online
Authors: Janalyn Voigt
Tags: christian Fiction - Fantasy
wanted no company. The garden’s fresh-washed heather and roses beckoned. She could not wander its paths now but moved with purpose toward the square herb beds at the rear of the chapel. Here, from long experience, she knew Brother Robb could be found every morning. She only hoped he’d not abandoned his home in favor of a steaming mug in Cobbleford’s kitchens. But, no. She came around the corner of the chapel and saw his brown-robed figure bent over a patch of parsley. Heaving a sigh, she closed the gap between them, her feet sinking into the fresh straw scattered across the paths.
    Brother Robb straightened at her approach and a beatific smile wreathed his face above the fold of fat at his neck. “Good morn.”
    She stopped before him and nodded in greeting, breathing in the sweet pungency of damp straw and moist earth. Making an effort, she returned his smile, but her own faltered. She launched into words, unable to bear the speaking of pleasantries. “I have much to discuss with you.” She hadn’t meant to jerk out her words like that.
    Brother Robb’s smile fled, replaced by a look of concern. He set down his hoe and dusted off his hands. “What troubles you, child? Although, perhaps I know.”
    At the kindness in his tone tears stood in her eyes. She had grown up at Brother Robb’s knee, tottering about the garden behind him as a child. He’d been tall and thin then, with a full head of nut-brown hair, not bald and comfortably rounded as now. In all that time, she had never seen a hint of any harshness in his manner except when the deer dined too freely upon his garden.
    “Have you heard, then?” Do all know? Aewen could not fathom such a loss of privacy. She had spent too long doing nothing worthy of notice.
    Brother Robb’s arm came about her shoulders, warm against the chill that penetrated her cloak. “ Whhst then, child. You’ll make yourself ill. Such news carries, whether you will it or not. Now tell me why you seek me.”
    Aewen’s hands found one another and twisted together. “I wish to take a vow of celibacy—to devote myself to the church.”
    Brother Robb’s eyes widened, their blue clear as a summer sky. “Have you taken leave of your senses?”
    “It’s law. A maid may take a vow of celibacy in order to dedicate her life to the service of others.” He shook his head before she even finished speaking. Clutching the arm he withdrew, she raised her voice. “I wish to give my life in service to the poor.”
    Brother Robb lifted his hands as if in surrender. “You speak without thought. Such vows belong to those destined not to marry. You are young and comely and full of life, a rose ready for the picking.”
    “Roses wilt and die the sooner when plucked.”
    “Give it a chance, child. I cannot encourage you to dishonor the word your father has already given.”
    Aewen eased her clasped hands and massaged the little circles in her palms her fingernails had dug. Tears rolled down her face. “I thought you would help me—that you cared about my happiness.”
    His arm went around her shoulders once more. “I do, but we have different ideas of what will bring your happiness.”
    “You know how giving alms to the needy and watching over the children gladdens me.”
    “Just as it will bring you joy to watch over your own children. Trust those in authority to guide you, Aewen.” He shrugged. “I cannot give what you ask. I will not sanction your taking such a vow.”
    She dashed her tears away and tore herself from his embrace. “You could if you would. You pretend to know my heart better than I do. You think by refusing me this I will marry as my father has rashly committed me. But I won’t. It would have been easier with your help, that’s all.”
    “There’s nothing more to discuss.” She backed away as fresh tears fell.
    He called after her, but she fled to wander beneath the green forest canopy until nightfall. She emerged then from the shadows and crept

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