Vampire Redemption

Read Vampire Redemption for Free Online

Book: Read Vampire Redemption for Free Online
Authors: Phil Tucker
Tags: Vampires
been doing the night before? It must have been purposeful. Williams had said it had been like watching foxes in a henhouse. Had they been killing people randomly? No. Realization hit her. They had been making more vampires.
    More yelling from outside. Selah tried to settle down, to wait with some modicum of patience, but she was too amped up on adrenaline and terror to do more than just pace and replay what she had seen over and over again in her mind. The front line of the soldiers had been compromised even as Williams had led her away. The squads imploding as the vampires fell amongst them. Did that mean they would fall back? Were there plans for something like this? There had to be.
    Five minutes passed. Every few moments another  whoompf  would shake the building. The sound of constant gunfire seemed to be growing louder, like a tide rising about her. Were they going to leave her locked in this little room? Had Williams run off? She moved back to the door and kicked it.
    "Hey! Williams!" She kicked it again. Nothing. Pressed her ear to the smooth wood and listened. She could make out yells, screams. "Hey!"
    The door yanked open. It was McKnight. Her cap was gone and a thick blond braid had unspooled and fallen down between her shoulders. She held her service pistol, the muzzle leveled down the hallway. Screams and gunfire came from just out of sight to their left.
    "Come on. Let's go." The words were sharp, and Selah looked past her for a sign of Williams. She hustled forward, into the hall, and the Sergeant shoved her away from the entrance, where the sound of fighting came. Selah almost tripped over Williams where he lay on the ground, throat torn out. Selah felt her gorge rise, but clamped it down. There was no time. Horrified, she rushed forward and into a large room whose cement walls were lit up with data monitors. Almost all of them showed a null screen, the few that were still up showing crimson progress bars and with the words  Data Burn  over them.
    "What's going on? Where are we going?"
    "New orders. I'm to get you to a helicopter. You're getting a priority evac."
    Selah turned to look at her and tripped, falling hard to the ground. The Sergeant cursed and dropped down next to her, pulling a knife from her belt. She pushed Selah over and cut her flexcuffs with one clean swipe. Selah found that she could barely move her arms--her shoulders were swollen, her arms numb. McKnight sheathed the blade and hoisted her up with a grunt, lifting her to her feet as if she weighed no more than a small child. Selah stared at her, surprised at the Sergeant's strength, and then ducked aside as the other woman raised her pistol and unloaded the clip.
    The gunfire was stunningly loud, and Selah turned to stare at the vampire that had drawn McKnight's ire. It was a Japanese kid with spiky pink hair, his shirt torn, several bullets already lodged in his chest, blood smeared horrifically across his grinning visage. The Sergeant hit him with every shot, even as he leaped over a desk, palming its surface so as to vault through the air at them.  God,  thought Selah,  they're so fast when you're just mortal.  Had she once been able to keep up with them? No longer.
    The vampire crashed to the ground and writhed there as if its back had been broken, flapping at the ground with its forearms, kicking with its blood-smeared sneakers.
    "Move!" McKnight shoved her and they ran, bolting for the back of the large room. Selah shouldered open the door and ran down a short hall, passing open doors where she saw men and women in uniform hurriedly typing at their consoles, barking commands into their shoulder Omnis. Then she was out a large door, back into the night and behind a second blast wall. Before she could run out from behind it, McKnight grabbed hold of her shoulder and hauled her around.
    "Stay close. You move wrong, you die." McKnight's eyes were wide, her pupils narrow dots. "When we run, you don't stop. You follow me. I'm going

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