
Read Unknown for Free Online

Book: Read Unknown for Free Online
Authors: Unknown
    ‘They do not all stay at the hotel,’ he told her. ‘Most of them live near to the hotel and Nicole sends a mini-bus to collect them each morning and they return home in this fashion at the end of the day. Some of them have cars of their own. The dieticians, however, remain here on the premises.'
    ‘Oh, I see,’ she murmured.
    Suave and handsome, he was wearing well-cut dark trousers and a white silk shirt, open at the chest. Very island-ish!
    There was a rustle as a steel band began to play music with an exciting beat to it. Over the rim of her glass Jade’s eyes met his and sensing a very positive physical reaction towards him she dropped her lashes.
    ‘This must be Sega music,’ she said, without looking up. ‘Is it?’
    ‘Yes. Later we will dance to it.’ The tone of his voice was slightly mocking.
    Laughing a little, she looked up at him. ‘I can’t dance the Sega.’
    ‘You don’t have to. They will switch to dance music as you know it, but I think you should give the Sega a try. Expertly, and without fuss, guests are taught the Sega on the dance floor next to the pool.’
    ‘Well,’ she glanced down at her drink, ‘I’ll have to see.’ To change the conversation she commented, ‘Nicole seems to be kept very busy. The moment we stepped into the clinic people started clamouring for her attention. She looked quite harassed.'
    ‘She is very busy,’ he replied. ‘Into the bargain, she has to travel constantly, to the many clinics she owns, but you know, although Nicole rises early and goes to bed very late, no one has ever seen her look haggard.’
    Laughing a little, she said, ‘You mentioned that I looked rested, a moment ago. Did I, then, look haggard on the plane?’
    ‘You looked very beautiful, but upset and very frightened. Perhaps one of the most pleasant things to happen to a man is when he is able to be of some small comfort and assistance to a beautiful girl, and I hope I was of some assistance?’ A small, quick smile tugged at his mouth and a shock of excitement raced through her.
    ‘You were, thank you.’
    Her silky caftan blew softly about her bare legs and curled itself around her ankles in the breeze which came in from the coral reef, and it was the most sensual sensation.
    At that moment the manager came along and introduced himself and introduced her to several people. They all knew Laurent Sevigny, of course, who remained constantly at her side. With his dark, exciting looks and intent eyes, he reminded Jade of the corsairs who had gone before and who had added their names to the history of the island.
    When she finally found herself alone with him again he surprised her by saying, What were you thinking about, a moment ago, to make you look like that?’
    After a startled little pause she said lightly, ‘I don’t think I should tell you.’
    ‘Why?’ By a blink of his lashes she knew that she had made him just more than a little curious.
    ‘You might resent it,' she said. Her hair had fallen partly over her face as she stared down at the glass she was holding and she shook it back and glanced up at him.
    ‘Why is this?’ His eyes went over her.
    ‘I was thinking that you must surely be very much the corsair type.'
    ‘I am interested in what you have to say,’ he said. ‘In what way?’
    'Looks, of course.'
    ‘Looks? I must admit that such a thing has never crossed my mind. I've never thought about how a corsair might have looked.'
    ‘Well,’ she felt confused now, and slightly ridiculous, ‘obviously they were brave—and dashing.'
    Beneath the dark stroke of his brows his eyes searched her face, then he laughed.
    ‘There are countless stories and legends about that doubtless interesting and dashing occupation. The ' pirate was a sea-robber who looted ships, of all nations, including his own. If captured, he was hanged on the spot. The corsair, on the other hand, was a gentleman plunderer who operated under a letter of marque, issued by his own

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