Twice Cursed
ruined it for
them, again. She had reason to hate him before, but after tonight,
the gloves were off.
    Stretching, she tensed and released
every muscle in her arms, legs and torso. Opening her senses to
their shared mind link, she felt for Sean, but only sensed the
wind. He was in animal form. A soft whoosh always replaced the
usual onslaught of thought whenever Sean phased, and he always took
to the woods whenever he needed focus.
    A slight tapping against
the window broke the silence, and Lily turned toward the darkened
glass. An owl was perched on the sill, its large eyes peering in at
her from the gloom. Sean .
    She shivered getting out of bed, and
padded across the cold floor to open the window. A blast of icy air
gusted in as she did, and she crossed her arms in front of her
chest in a feeble attempt to ward off the chill. “Sean, what are
you doing? Are you crazy?”
    The owl hooted low, spreading its
wings. The majestic bird launched itself from the sill and did a
single lazy pass around the ceiling before setting down on the bed.
In a snap of electricity and ozone, it was gone. “And I thought
you’d be happy to see me, especially now that you’ve calmed down,”
Sean replied, stretching his full six foot, three inch frame out on
the bed.
    Still standing with her arms folded,
Lily smirked. “Aren’t we a little old to be playing cat and mouse?
Sneaking into my room like a horny teenager isn’t exactly your
style.” Turning, she closed the window and grabbed a throw blanket
from the chair in the corner. “And it’s not going to do any good.
I’m still leaving in the morning,” she added, wrapping the blanket
around her shoulders, waiting for him to reply. But the battle was
lost before it had even begun.
    “ You know,” he said, with
his head cocked and a suggestive smile on his lips. “I can do a
better job of warming you up than that blanket ever will. And in
case you didn’t notice, it’s morning already.”
    “ Well then, you can just
morph into a sparrow or some other innocuous day bird, and fly out
the way you came. I guarantee the Council had no clue what they
were getting themselves into when they gifted you with the power to
shift into any form, wolf boy.”
    “ They knew exactly what
they were doing.”
    “ Hmmph. Like they know what
they’re doing now?”
    “ Different times, different
circumstances. Besides, I’m still in control, remember?”
    “ Sean…”
    “ Shhh… I am the Alpha
Council, Lily. No one is going to question me regarding you. Trust
    “ But…”
    “ Lily…” he said, pushing
himself up and off the bed. “I’m not going to just let you walk out
of my life.” He stood there in all his naked glory, purposefully
not having manifested any clothes when he phased back to human
    Lily couldn’t help it, she licked her
lips. He walked toward her, lean muscled, and as predatory and
graceful as ever, and her heart skipped a beat.
    “ I did a lot of thinking
out in the woods tonight. I’m done with trying to bend just to be
politically correct. If Parr wants things to be the way they used
to, then so be it. Whether he likes it or not, I’m the Alpha. My
will must be obeyed or otherwise challenged, so if it’s a challenge
he wants, then bring it on. Now, the only bending I plan on doing
is bending you over till that gorgeous ass of yours is in the
    With one long stride, he was face to
face with her. Taking Lily’s chin in his hand, he raised her face
to his and kissed her. Running his tongue along the edge of her
bottom lip, he whispered. “Besides, why should I resist what’s mine
for the taking?”
    “ But…” Lily shivered, but
not from the cold. Sean’s hands dropped to her waist. In one swift
motion, he separated her from her blanket and nightgown, and left
her standing in front of him covered in nothing but gooseflesh.
Pulling her to him, he pressed his body against hers, and his heat
and desire flooded her, chasing away the cold

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