Trading Paint (Racing on the Edge)

Read Trading Paint (Racing on the Edge) for Free Online

Book: Read Trading Paint (Racing on the Edge) for Free Online
Authors: Shey Stahl
your complicated life with the added influence of hormones, uncomplicated is a blessing.
    It still didn’t change the fact that I wasn’t keen on the idea of these others girls hounding him all the time because I saw through their cunning behavior. They were only looking for one thing, popularity. While Jameson didn’t play sports and hardly attended any school functions let alone school, he was popular among the female flock.
    This didn’t exactly make my life easy. They saw we were friends and did everything in their power to destroy that.

3.      Hot Laps – Jameson
    Hot Laps – A session held prior to time trials. This session usually runs in groups. Each car is assigned a group prior to hot lap sessions and the groups are determined by the draw that set the order for time trials. During the sessions, each car is allotted three or more laps at speed to ensure their car is ready for qualifying.
    During my junior year, I spent more time racing through the different sprint car series than I did attending school. I did fine balancing the two until the USAC sprint car division opened in Eldora that March.
    From then on, it was racing every weekend and sometimes I’d miss weeks of school if I traveled to the Midwest or East Coast. I ended up getting a tutor so I could graduate next year.
    Poor Sway had to be at school without me. We usually stuck together around there because, let’s face it, Elma High School was not something you advertised attending and, at times, had some questionable attendees.
    Tommy Davis, a good friend of mine from school, took care of her when I was gone and made sure no one messed with her. She took shit from girls at school for hanging around with me.
    They all thought she was in it for the fame but that never mattered to her. She was good at avoiding them and could give a rat’s ass what anyone thought of her. I loved that about her.
    When Memorial Day weekend came around that year, Charlie let us kidnap Sway.
    I was running in the National USAC winged sprint series that year which had a 37-race schedule. I couldn’t compete for the title since I’d missed about four races so far because of mid-term finals at school but even with those four, I was running eighth in the division points and second to Justin West in the national points.
    That weekend while waiting for Sway to arrive, Spencer caught me inside the hauler getting ready for the heat races at Terre Haute. Dad had gone to get her from the airport so that left me anxiously waiting for her. It had been about two weeks, maybe longer since we had last seen each other and I couldn’t wait to hang out with my girl. Shit, listen to me.
    She’s not your girl. She’s your friend.
    “Right.” I told myself. The thoughts weren’t lost on me that she could easily be considered my girlfriend to most, but it wasn’t like that with us. Sure, being sixteen, I was physically attracted to her, but the feelings weren’t romantic. I loved her as I would love any member of my family, she was part of our family and it was purely platonic, so I thought.
    “ What’s with you two?”
    “What are talking about?” I asked looking outside once again to see if she’d arrived.
    “I don’t know ... you’re a guy, she’s a girl ... a hot girl .” Spencer implied.
    “It’s just not like that with us. I don’t know why but it’s not.”
    “But you find her ... attractive in that way?”
    You have no fucking idea!
    I laughed trying not to let on how attractive I thought Sway was in fear that my brother would give me shit.
    “I’m not blind.”
    “Just ... be careful.” He nodded.  “It’s easy to break a girl’s heart that way.”
    That’s exactly why I never pursued anything with her. I knew damn well where my interest resided and that was with racing.
    Anything I had to offer any girl wouldn’t be anything more than physical.
    My desires ... they were racing and racing only. I was also sixteen and I

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