To Murder Matt
as impressive as he remembered it, he stepped aside to allow a coach load of people to move through. The coach appeared to be disembarking its contingency of Japanese tourists. They all spilled across the wide pavement and congealed into a mass of brightly coloured plastic ponchos and cameras outside the main door. There was a babble of abrupt sounding conversation as they made their way ‘en masse’ into the main foyer of the hotel, chattering and smiling as they went.  The doorman tried to smile at their chatter, but it was hard for him to hide his disdain as the flashes from their cameras blinded him as they passed.
    Dean remained at the side and watched the tide of small people flow passed, causing him to pause several minutes, before he too could enter the building. Heading over to the restaurant, he saw Matt sitting at a table and signalled to the Maitre D’ that he knew where he was going.
    Matt looked up as he approached. He smiled broadly and stood up to shake his hand. They exchanged pleasantries, seated and then sat down.
    “It was lucky I met you on the plane,” Matt said as he looked at the menu. “I was due to meet a client who was interested in the Grand Prix. I mentioned it would be a much nicer experience if he chartered one of your yachts, said it would impress his clients. He practically signed the contract there and then, but I wanted to discuss the options with you first. After all, we haven’t even discussed contracts and terms ourselves yet.”
    Dean smiled. He was already counting the money mentally.  Matt would be talking big money and whilst talking about money was always loathsome, he needed it to finance his current flailing project. Matt continued, his eyes glinting as he spoke.
    “Needless to say, it depends on what you have available and what my commissions will be. We all need to make a living. I am sure you agree?”
    Dean smiled, but there was something he didn’t like about Matt in that instant. His eyes were dark and dull, impossible to read, but he just had a feeling that not everything was as it first seemed with Matt. His eyes were smiling, but the sentiment didn’t reach them. Dean felt an instant of dislike and distrust for the man seated opposite him, but he was in a bit of a bind and he needed the deal. If he had a choice, he would stand up and relying on that gut feeling, walk away. But as it was, he was in no position to do so and remained seated, a bland smile on his face as Matt continued to speak.
    “I’ll need you to do all the paperwork and I will sign it. If you can get the contract to me tomorrow say, then I can start on other deals you might be able to help me on.”
    Dean nodded, and then waited a moment as the waiter brought their starters. When the waiter had left he said, “I’ll fax and email a copy, but I’ll need to send you the originals by registered courier. If you can, sign those and return them to the courier? It can all be sorted by end of tomorrow.”
    “Good, I like to do business with decisive people. I can’t stand working with ditherers.”
    The conversation drifted from topic to topic and covered a wide range of interesting subjects.
    Dean watched Matt closely. The more he spoke, the more Dean decided that he didn’t like him at all. He was a brash guy, and the way he discussed a woman he had recently met, told him he was not a gentleman.  He had told Dean that he planned to use her to advance his career. She was from a wealthy family and that this was all he was interested in. Dean added Matt’s awful confession to his list of mental dislikes about Matt.  He hardly knew the man and yet here he was, talking to him as though the poor woman was a possession and not a person. It almost seemed as though Matt needed to share his sordid little conquest. He totally lacked discretion and Dean felt sorry for the woman, whoever she was.
    After lunch, Dean made his way to pick Ellen up from work. He had been to her general offices on numerous

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