To Make You Feel My Love

Read To Make You Feel My Love for Free Online

Book: Read To Make You Feel My Love for Free Online
Authors: Tina Rose
speaking to a guest or taking a reservation.
    She had a quick glance of Logan and Dusty earlier while they were passing by the ice machine. He had changed into tan cargo shorts with a light blue sleeveless shirt, wearing white framed Costa sunglasses and a sun visor. He wasn’t as tall as Dusty, but he was more muscular. Neither saw her through the glass window in the office. She didn’t even know this man, and couldn’t figure out why she was so captivated by him. Nothing good could come of this. He was only here for the week, then he would return to his life and she to hers.
    She thought about calling Becky and telling her something had come up, but she knew that Becky wouldn’t believe her. No, it was best to see this evening through, let Becky and Dusty have their fun, and say her goodbyes now before she got to close to Logan.
    At three o’clock Alana clocked out and ran to her apartment to change into her swimsuit. Uncle James had turned two units of the hotel into a one bedroom apartment for Alana after high school graduation. He said he had done it so she could be around to keep an eye on the guests, but everyone knew it was his way of doing something special for her. Alana knew under his gruff exterior, he had a heart of gold. You justhad to dig deep enough to find it. Aunt Penny could never have children of her own, so Alana was as close as they had come.
    She decided to wear her strapless hot pink bikini that tied at her cleavage and on each side of the bottoms. It had a sheen to it that made it seem iridescent. It was hermost revealing swimsuit, and it made her skin look even darker than it was.
    Around four o’clock, Becky pulled in, her convertible top down and radio playing loud. Without looking, Alana knew who it was. Looking out the window, she saw Dusty and Logan standing by the car in their swimming trunks with towels over their shoulders and a red cooler in their hands. The plan was f or them to meet up at the club, but Becky jumped out of her car and opened the trunk. When Logan picked up the cooler and loaded it in the trunk Alana could see the muscles in his back flex. He was exquisite to look at in his red and gray swimming trunks, no shirt and flip-flops. Just looking at him demanded your attention. He was smiling at Dusty who had just smacked Becky on the behind. She could see Becky getting out her phone, and then her own phone rang.
    “I’m on my way!” she blurted. Grabbing her beach bag that she kept ready with suntan oil, sunglasses and anything else she thought she might need while on the beach along with a towel, she headed out the door.
    “Alana…” crap, it was Uncle James.
    “Yes sir?”
    “Your aunt said you had taken off work early, are you feeling okay?”
    “Oh, I’m feeling fine Uncle James. I just wanted a few hours to hang out at the beach before Becky and I have to go back to work. Aunt Penny said she would cover for me.”
    “Well…” he paused. Alana thought for sure she felt a lecture coming. “Don’t get too much sun,” he glanced up and walked away. She turned and noticed Aunt Penny standing in the window watching. Aunt Penny had saved her once again.
    * * * * * * * *
    At Becky’s car, Dusty had already called shotgun and was sitting in the front seat next to Becky. He was leaning over the gearshift pretending he was looking for something down her cleavage. She smacked his hands away and laughed.
    “What am I going do with you?” she squealed.
    “I bet I can figure something out pretty lady,” he said, pulling her head closer and sliding his tongue in her mouth. Becky seemed enthralled with him. Alana never thought she would see that from Becky Harris. Becky was recently divorced from a marriage of ten years, and had sworn off men. But the look she was giving Dusty right now, made Alana think she was reconsidering that decision.
    Alana slid through the door, blurting out a curse when her legs hit the hot leather seat. Logan seemed to think it was

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