Thug Matrimony

Read Thug Matrimony for Free Online

Book: Read Thug Matrimony for Free Online
Authors: Wahida Clark
chest and then hit his spine has triggered a comalike state. He …”
    Tasha fainted.

Chapter 4
    S eventy-two hours later, Trae was still in a coma. Everyone was going back and forth to the hospital. Tasha was the only one who wouldn’t leave. She stayed by his side night and day. The family was bringing her meals, changes of clothes, and books to read. The twins, she would meet in the lobby every day, thanks to Trae’s parents.
    Angel couldn’t understand how she did it. She didn’t think Tasha ever went to sleep. Between keeping an eye on Trae, dealing with the detectives that came by daily, sometimes two and three times a day, the kids, Trae’s crew, and even Reverend Run, who came by two more times, Angel saw Tasha in a whole new light. On top of that she was keeping Angel’s spirits up. Angel had gone home to get a change of clothes and had been camped out at the hospital ever since.
    Angel was balled up on the small love seat seated in the far corner of Trae’s private hospital room. For privacy Mt. Sinai was the place to be. The room had a large bathroom, a sitting area, and if it wasn’t for his hospital bed and all of the monitors you wouldn’t know that you were in a hospital. It was freezing and Angel had the covers over her head and was trying to go back to sleep, that is until she heard Omar and Bo come in. They were talking low but Angel knew what she had heard.
    “I want these muthafuckas found and I want them done just the way they did my husband. What do I have to pay?”
    “Ma, you killin’ me. How you gonna insult me like that?” Omar wanted to know.
    “I’m not trying to insult you. I just want these niggas taken care of before Trae gets well.” Her voice cracked. “I know he’s coming out of this, Omar. I know he is.”
    “Ma, we got you, yo. It’s just taking a little more time than we anticipated,” Bo assured her. “But things are moving. It’s all gravy.”
    Angel continued to listen as they explained that they finally got their hands on both of the surveillance tapes at the hotel. The one of Trae on the elevators, Kaylin firing on Snake, and all of them filing into the ballroom. Their people were going over them. The tapes were twenty-five grand a piece and Omar told Tasha they would keep her posted.
    There’s a price for everything,
Angel thought to herself.
    When the nurse entered, Omar and Bo left. Angel remained balled up as Tasha and the nurse made small talk. She figured that she was checking all of the equipment that was hooked up to Trae.
    As soon as the nurse left, Tasha began talking to Trae. She made sure that every time she would be alone with him she would have a conversation with him. Angel peeked from under the covers and saw Tasha planting a kiss on his forehead.
    “Hey, baby. I’m sure you just heard the nurse say that your vitals are fine and your wounds are healing. I miss you sooo much. Your sons miss you even more. Please come home to us real soon. Nana and Pop-pop are trying not to go crazy and they are doing such a good job with the boys.
    “The apartment is ready. Who would ever have thought we would have needed it under these circumstances? We only lived in it together as a family for what, two, three days?” She giggled. “Now it looks like we’ll be there for at least a month. The doctor said you won’t be able to travel back to Cali for at least thatlong. You have to get good and strong. Glad you didn’t sell it after all.
    “Damn, baby, remember the first time I came over there? I remember it just like it was yesterday. You had hoes calling, putting them on speakerphone while trying to get me to spend the night?” She giggled at the memory. “Remember how I broke your blender making millions of strawberry shakes? What about the time that I was your patient and was supposed to be on bed rest? You also got your first shot of head right there in that apartment. Now a wife and two kids, one on the way, your bachelor/freak pad is now a

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