Three Rivers

Read Three Rivers for Free Online

Book: Read Three Rivers for Free Online
Authors: Chloe T Barlow
Professor Stevens the term felt like a badge of honor, an endearment. Even though his mind was reeling from the rush of old memories that being back in Pittsburgh brought to him, Griffen hadn't hesitated to agree to fill in for a couple weeks to cover the start of Stevens' investigative journalism and non-fiction writing courses at the University of Pittsburgh while he finished recovering from his double bypass surgery. In fact, he felt grateful for the opportunity to help him out. Stevens and his high school football coach had been the only relationships Griffen had ever experienced that resembled what someone would have with a good father.
    Stevens' heart attack had hit Griffen so much harder than his own bastard of a dad's death. He was still handsome and fit at fifty; no one had seen it coming and it made Griffen feel like an ass that he hadn't visited him during all this time. He owed him the world. He knew that the least, seriously, the least , he could do was swallow the painful discomfort of being back in the Steel City and all the rotten memories that came with it — if only for a couple weeks.
    Stevens was great friends with Griffen's mom Valerie. He suspected Stevens had wanted it to be more, but he never said anything to his mom. Either way, it was Stevens who'd mentored him when he went to University of Pittsburgh , recognized his talent and guided him toward becoming an investigative journalist and writer.
    Even after Griffen left school, Stevens never stopped looking out for him and giving him advice. He'd supported his decision to quit football and leave college after his sophomore year and set him up with his first big job with the Associated Press. Griffen always sought out the most dangerous assignments, quickly landing an assistant job on an exciting embedment with an elite Army Rangers unit in the heart of the biggest Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan.
    His time with the Rangers inspired "Mountains of Enemies" — his first mystery thriller starring "Cade Jackson." It became a runaway bestseller with the hottest action hero character in the world.
    After it was turned into a successful movie, Griffen got restless, then living in Mexico for a year, researching and investigating the Mexican drug cartels. This led to his second bestseller and another movie and a solid reputation as an " it " writer. Then came a blockbuster video game based on the books, cell phone covers, ring tones. Whatever crap could be made from these stories, they'd done it.
    Christ, last I heard there was some whiskey in Japan name after Cade. Ridiculous .
    Now, at thirty-one, he had more money than he could ever spend, he never wanted for female attention and he could finally try to convince himself he was worth something. That he was better than his father. Yet, the moment this city had laid itself out in front of him, he realized just how little pride he really felt in who he'd become.
    He took another burning sip, desperate to quiet the painful memories and disappointment that kept rising up with each breath.
    Griffen's phone buzzed again in his pocket. He frowned at the screen. Another call from his agent. He hadn't been able to write anything since his second book, instead relying on riding out the fame of his first two novels. His agent and publisher were still breathing down his neck for a new hit, but he didn't have it in him.
    Fuck 'em, they can wait a little longer. I've made them all very rich.
    Griffen took a deeper drink and thought, well, if I can't write and I'm stuck in this damn city, I might as well keep drinking .

    As he waited for his next drink, Griffen was finally feeling nicely buzzed and leaned back to observe the crowd, surprised by the hip cocktails and hipper clientele. Chic or stodgy, he didn't give a crap, but this certainly differed from the dive joints he remembered getting loaded in growing up. Several women gave him long, meaningful glances. He smirked back but couldn't get himself interested in that

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