Their Virgin Neighbor
    She smiled slightly at
that thought. Everything was simple now. Just the way she wanted it. She
shifted as a light came on in the hallway. A moment later and she
could see the outline of a man.
    Which one was it, she wondered. Lee or
    She was half fascinated by both of
them. Anna could admit that to herself. After they’d left, and
she’d promised to arrive for dinner by seven, she’d sat on her
couch, still warm from where they’d been sitting, and tried to
analyze her reactions to them. They were attractive. That much was
a given. They were also fun to talk to, and they made her heart
beat a little faster than she would have liked.
    Anna understood her own emotional
state enough right now to know that if she hadn’t been aching with
grief and pain she would have had real trouble keeping her
reactions to them to herself.
    That troubled her.
    What troubled her even more was the
fact that Anna liked them both. She’d looked from one to the other
and tried to work out who was causing the spark to fire. At first
she’d thought it was Lee. His green eyes were so expressive, his
dark hair falling over his forehead regularly enough that he’d had
to keep pushing it back. He was painfully gorgeous. So it had to be
him, right?
    Only Anna looked across at Jack and
her body reacted in exactly the same way to him that it did to Lee.
His eyes were dark brown, like hers, and his hair was a little
shorter, but his angular face and full lips combined to make him
just as deadly as Lee.
    Both men appealed to her. Anna
couldn’t say either one appealed more than the other. How was she
going to deal with that? Oh, Anna didn’t expect either male to try
anything with her. They were her landlords. Apparently reclusive.
She suspected this dinner was simply a way to introduce themselves
properly before she didn’t see them again for another two weeks,
maybe even more. But she didn’t want them to realize the way her
thoughts were heading. That would be embarrassing.
    The door opened. It was Lee. He’d
change clothes and was now dressed in a pair of jeans and a thin
sweater. The sweater was almost the same green as his
    “ Anna,” he said, a smile
creasing his face. “You’re right on time.”
    “ It wasn’t as long a walk
as I thought it would be,” Anna said and she tried to ignore the
way her heart started to race as she did so. “Here. I brought these
for you.”
    Lee looked down at the tin held in her
hands. It was a vintage tin, one of the few she had brought with
her from the city. “Cookies?” he asked.
    Anna nodded. “I wasn’t sure what to
    “ You didn’t need to make
anything,” he said.
    She passed the tin across to him and
then, for want of anything else to do, clasped her hands together
in front of her. “I wanted to. I like to cook, baking
    “ Baking, knitting,
reading…” Lee shook his head and gestured for her to come inside.
“You’re a strange woman, Anna.”
    “ It was the way I was
brought up,” Anna said her words coming out in a rush. “I spent all
of my younger years surrounded by Grand and her friends. She had so
many. They treated me like another one of their group. They taught
me to knit, to bake, steered me through all the classics. Of
course, some of them were a little more raucous. Sheila taught me
poker, Manda insisted I learn to mix cocktails from scratch.” She
laughed softly as those cherished memories came to mind. “It was
quite a diverse upbringing.”
    “ Do you still see
    “ Grand’s
    “ Yeah.”
    Anna shucked off her raincoat and
passed it across to Lee. He hung it on one of the hooks next to the
door. “There aren’t many left,” she said. “Grand had my mom when
she was in her late thirties. That was pretty old back in those
days for a first baby. Mom then had me when she was in her late
thirties too…add that all up and Grand, and her friends, were
already well into their sixties when I was

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