The Wrath Of the Forgotten

Read The Wrath Of the Forgotten for Free Online

Book: Read The Wrath Of the Forgotten for Free Online
Authors: Michael Ignacio
Tags: Fantasy
woman’s face. The wall crumbled behind her. Large Oni hands reached into the room. The woman tried to smack the hands, but Tov drove his sword into her rib cage between the strings that held the back and front of her armor together. In a fleeting moment of strength, the woman backhanded Tov. He fell to the floor, but he watched as the Oni picked up the woman.
    One Oni grabbed her right leg and right arm while a second grabbed her left side. The woman stared into the sky and screamed out, “NORI!!!”
    Tov winced as the woman came apart in massive clumps. With the leader of the city militia dead, Onista would soon fall. His energy sword dissipated into nothingness, and his wings appeared. Tov flew high into the air and gazed over the broken visage of the city.
    People screamed. Oni feasted. Blood covered much of the streets. Tov closed his eyes. Images of his daughter appeared before him.

    THE CROWD SPLIT open as Apisa and Nori walked down the street. Apisa ignored the people in the crowd, much in the same way that they forget she even existed. The hum of life came to a screeching halt as Nori moved through the throngs of people, and yet Apisa didn’t seem to notice or care. Nori increased his speed and walked right beside her.
    At first, he just glanced at her from the corner of his eye. However, the longer he walked, the more he stared to study her face. Her skin had a darker complexion to it, perhaps earned through hard labor in the sun.
    Apisa tilted her head up at him. “Something you want to say, big guy? I’m not a tiger. I won’t bite or scratch you.” A small grin appeared on her face.
    “So… Miss Flara already mentioned me to you and your other friend?” Nori asked.
    “Sort of.” Apisa shrugged. “The “other” friend is named Rayko, by the way. Flara said that some big monster-looking guy had to follow her from now on. She’s not too happy about it. I don’t really like that you’re making my friend sad.”
    Nori said, “I’m not trying to make anyone sad. I’m just trying to do my duty.”
    Apisa shrugged. “That’s mighty fine and all, but that still doesn’t change the fact that you’re not needed or wanted. No offense.”
    Nori sighed. “I’m used to it. I’m here though, so let’s make the best out of it.”
    “I’m not the one you’re going to have a problem with. I’m not talking about Flara either,” Apisa said.
    Nori turned his attention to the sky above them. The bright sun peeked through the clouds and blinded him for a moment. A soft warm breeze soared down the street. It kissed his skin.
    Apisa asked, “Nice day, isn’t it?”
    “So we’re doing small talk, are we?” Nori arched an eyebrow at her. “I thought you didn’t like me.”
    An amused expression covered her face. “I never said I didn’t like you. I said you were unneeded. Just because you’re like a thorn in our sides doesn’t mean I can’t be nice to you. I like making those around me feel welcome.”
    Nori scoffed. “Yes, you’ve made me feel quite welcome.”
    “Well good.” Apisa took in a deep breath and grinned even wider. “I love beautiful days like this. It’s almost harvest time where I’m from. Right about now, my family will be preparing to pull up a whole heap of rice.”
    “So you’re a farmer?” Nori asked. “That would explain the body.”
    Suddenly, the warmth in her demeanor melted away. “And what the Hell is that supposed to mean? Were you ogling at me?” She stopped in place and glared at him.
    Several of the other citizens around Nori winced and moved faster away from him.
    The center of Nori’s chest vibrated with an electric tingle. “I wasn’t ogling you. I just noticed …”
    “You noticed what?” Apisa asked.
    He studied her for a moment. Her feet had been placed under her shoulders. Apisa’s fists had formed tight fists. A distinct rage had formed in the green of her eyes.
    “I noticed that …you’re quite strong.” Nori clenched his

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