The Unwanted (Black Water Tales Book 2)

Read The Unwanted (Black Water Tales Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read The Unwanted (Black Water Tales Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Jean Nicole Rivers
may not be so bad after all. Wanna go for a swim?”
    “No thanks,” Blaire responded as they both began to unpack. Travis put away the last of his clothes and pulled out a towel. “I’m gonna find a shower.”
    Blaire gazed out the window once more before she let the blinds down. She lay across the bed and was asleep in no time.
    Blaire’s eyes popped open, and her heart pounded furiously like the train beating the track on its journey to Borslav. She was not at home anymore. Blaire could hear a slight wheezing in her breath; she squinted her eyes as shadowy figures came into view and moved closer to her.
    Blaire closed her eyes and reopened them rapidly, trying to shift the dark figures into better focus, but they did not move. They remained frozen. The objects became clearer as the seconds passed, and she was able to make out a dresser and mirror and a small bed across the room.
    St. Sebastian ,she reminded herself with a sigh. She looked around for Travis, but he was still gone. Looking at her watch she realized that she had been sleeping for several hours and as a result her hangover was beginning to pass.
    Something rustled inside of the closet. All of her senses honed in on the tall white door for several seconds until all was quiet again. Blaire began to lie back down, but was startled when a whisper reached out from the closet and grabbed her. In seconds she was on her feet, tiptoeing across the cool floor. With the door of the closet only feet from her now, she gasped when she heard a loud knock come from the other side of it. Her shaking hand reached out for the crystal knob and yanked it open.
    Her eyes were trained on the darkness. First, a slight movement among her hanging clothes, and then a figure rose in the corner of the closet. Blaire was paralyzed with fear when the petite shape leapt out at her.
    “Hide and seek!” the boy shouted awkwardly as he jumped into the light, his dirty blonde hair sat atop his head like a messy bird’s nest, he laughed and dashed from the room.
    “Holy mother!” Blaire whispered to herself before bursting into laughter. She poked her head out of the room, and heard the yelping of children in other parts of the building. The halls on the floors below were now filled with the gleeful squawks of children of all ages.
    Blaire stiffened as she got a whiff of something foul. She looked around and realized it was herself, vodka still oozing from her pores.
    “Gross,” she muttered before she gathered some clothes and a towel, heading out in search of the bathroom.
    It wasn’t long before Vesna found Blaire and gave her instructions on their meeting with Marko. The meeting hour left Blaire with just enough time for a mini -tour of St. Sebastian. By the front door, there was a room that appeared to have been a waiting area at one time. As Blaire entered, she found a little girl, still cloaked in the lavender dress she had been wearing yesterday in the backyard.
    “Dariya?” Blaire called to the girl, who was kneeling on the floor with her face pressed tightly to an L -shaped air vent that sat against the bottom of the wall and the top of the floor.
    “Dariya?” Blaire called again, taking another step toward the girl.
    Dariya did not respond, but the ruffles of her skirt perked higher into the air toward Blaire as the girl pushed her face closer to the vent. Blaire’s feet fell softly on the scuffed wood floor as she made her way across the room. A deep gurgling whisper flowed from the vent. The rumbling murmur offered a wicked, soft scowl of surprise as it suddenly ceased, and the girl turned her face abruptly, locking eyes with Blaire.
    Blaire gasped , What happened to Dariya? What happened to her face? No, not her face, it was her eyes.

    D ariya’s golden -colored eyes were clear and glowed like honey hit by the perfectly angled light of a setting sun. How could it be that eyes that were just yesterday blinded by a thick white curtain were now as clear

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