The Taylor Ranch: Cade

Read The Taylor Ranch: Cade for Free Online

Book: Read The Taylor Ranch: Cade for Free Online
Authors: Vanessa Devereaux
them since you’ve been gone.”
sheathed himself and got onto the bed.
can’t believe that.”
kissed her, rolling her over on to her back.
been celibate all this time?”
nodded. April smiled.
is that so hard to believe?”
at all…but I have too.”
then we’d better do something about that,” said Cade.

    Chapter Seven
obviously thought she was joking. She couldn’t blame him… how many married
women were celibate during their entire marriage? Still, she didn’t want to
stop and tell him she wasn’t kidding around and spoil the mood. And for all she
knew he could be joking too. A good looking guy like Cade not
having sex since they’d parted company?
it was true she had to make it up to him, because it was probably all her
fault. April kissed him, parting her legs. He walked his fingers up her thighs,
looking at her like she was the most special woman in the world. Another thing
she loved so much about him. Cade ran his finger over her curls and she closed
her eyes, feeling him get between her thighs and then, heaven as his cock
pushed inside her, filling her, and reminding her that she was back with the
man that had rocked her world.
thrusts were steady and slow to begin with. It suited her fine because she was
tense and tight, but then she wanted more. She reached up and ran her fingers
over his lips as he moved faster and his thrusts became more urgent.
life be wonderful if they could stay like this forever?
smiled at her. She’d always believed he could read her mind. If only he’d
really had that ability he would have known the truth and wouldn’t have been
hurt. But then again, he might have tried to stop her.
dug her fingertips into his biceps as her pussy began pulling with its own
faint heartbeat.   The first time they’d
made love he’d brought her to climax in record time, and it seemed he hadn’t
lost his touch.
her fingers deeper into his skin, she raised her butt to meet each of his
thrusts, groaning as she did so. The sensation began in her toes, traveling all
the way up her calves and thighs, and then to where it mattered the most, her
clung to him, lifting her shoulders off the bed, hugging him as he too found
release. He wrapped his arms around her, both of them breathing heavily, hearts
pounding so hard, April could hear his as well as her own.
was off the charts,” he whispered in her ear.
parted and Cade slid out of her, resting his body by her side.
you joking with me?”
thought that maybe he’d forgotten what she’d announced right before they’d made
love, but he obviously hadn’t.
sat her head down on his shoulder, remembering how they’d laid cuddling and
talking after they’d made love that day. Cade would tell her about his dreams
for the future, owning a ranch one day just like her father. Giving his mother
a better life than the one fate had given her, but then she’d passed away two
weeks later. He ran his finger up and down her arm and she realized she hadn’t
responded to him.
I wasn’t messing with you and maybe now you’ll let me tell you what happened.”
turned over onto her belly so she could see him. She wanted to look at him when
she told him the truth. To see his reaction and hopefully see
the relief in his eyes too.
probably know Ben comes from a family with lots of money.”
rolled his eyes. She put her hand on his arm.
no, like I told you before that’s not the reason I married him. Dad had run up
a lot of debt.”
    “Your dad?” April nodded. She’d also found that hard to believe when he’d sat her down and
told her just how bad things were.
taken a huge hit from his divorce with my mother and never really recovered. He
also had lingering legal fees from when he fought the custody battle for me.

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