The Streets Keep Calling

Read The Streets Keep Calling for Free Online

Book: Read The Streets Keep Calling for Free Online
Authors: Chunichi
headaches. As soon as I saw him coming off the elevator, I took a fast detour into my office, quickly picked up the phone, and put it to my ear. I pulled up my computer screen and pretended to be deep in conversation with whomever was on the phone. Even though I put on an Oscar-winning performance, Mr. Biggs still rudely walked into my office and interrupted me.
    â€œMs. Johnson, may I speak with you for a moment?” He stood in front of my desk.
    I held up one finger to signal that I’d be with him in a minute, as I wrapped up my bogus phone conversation.
    â€œWhat can I do for you today, Mr. Biggs?” I tugged at my skirt as I stood up, in an attempt to lengthen it a bit.
    â€œThere are quite a few things that come to mind,” Mr. Biggs said while walking toward me. He grabbed my hand, then whispered in my ear, “When are you gonna stop playing hard to get? A little Southern beauty like you should be getting spoiled, not working hard every day as some little old bank branch manager.”
    My stomach turned as I felt the heat from Mr. Biggs’s breath on my forehead. That sensation along with the combined scent of Doublemint gum and Prada cologne really made me want to vomit.
    â€œDaddy, Daddy.” Mr. Biggs’s moment of sexual harassment was interrupted by his kids running into my office.
    â€œHey, Jaden. Hi, Kaylyn!” I happily greet them.
    â€œHi, Ms. Johnson!” They rushed into my arms, greeting me with big hugs.
    â€œWhat’s going on in here?” Maria walked in with the same rude demeanor she had on a daily basis. I couldn’t figure out if she was just a miserable person or if she had a personal vendetta against me.
    â€œNothing, sweetheart, just discussing some last-minute business transactions with Ms. Johnson,” Mr. Biggs lied.
    â€œLooks like a little more than talking was going on from where I was standing,” Maria said, eyeing Mr. Biggs. Then she directed her attention to me. “Are you hard of hearing, darling? Otherwise I don’t understand why you must be so close to my man when he’s speaking to you.”
    More like your man is all up on me, bitch, I said in my head, but wouldn’t dare let that type of language come out of my mouth. I was much too classy to stoop to Maria’s level. I chose to ignore her comment, and turned toward Mr. Biggs. “Is there anything else you need today, Mr. Biggs? Was everything taken care of for you” I asked.
    â€œEverything is fine, Ms. Johnson,” he replied. “As ususal,” he leaned in and whispered to me when he noticed Maria was distracted with Kaylyn.
    â€œWell, let’s head to dinner. I’ve got reservations for us downtown. Come on, kids,” Maria snapped, getting back to Mr. Biggs and me.
    â€œBye, Ms. Johnson!” the kids said in unison.
    â€œWait a minute. Don’t forget your candy. You know Ms. Johnson always gives you candy.” The kids rushed over to get their lollipops.
    â€œAfter dinner.” Maria snatched the candy from the kids’ hands and they all headed out the door.
    I was happy to see Mr. Biggs and Maria leave, but each time I saw those little rug rats they grew on me more and more. They were the only pleasurable part of Mr. Biggs and Maria’s weekly visits. It was sad they had such a horrible person as a mother. It’s against everything I know as a Christian to talk about people, but, truth be told, I didn’t have anything nice to say about that woman. It took everything in me not to curse her out each time Maria’s snobbish behind walked in the bank, with her nose in the air looking down on everybody like she’s better than us. It’s only by God’s grace that her kids hadn’t turned out like her. They’re so cute and well mannered. I always looked forward to seeing them every week.
    It was obvious Maria didn’t like me, but I guess when your man is always with another woman,

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