The Military Mistress

Read The Military Mistress for Free Online

Book: Read The Military Mistress for Free Online
Authors: Melody Prince
                  “Where'd you park?” He asks as he's walking very swiftly that I have to skip a little to keep up with him.
                  “Uh like one floor up from here,” I say and my heart is still pounding in my chest. He didn't seem that happy to see me. Is he disappointed? I knew it.
                  We get in the elevator and I push the button to go to the floor I parked at, and then lean against the back of the elevator. I feel him next to me. Looking at me. Then the doors close and his hand is on the back of my neck and his lips on mine. I'm in shock, but I lean into him, and into the kiss. I kiss him back, and it is like all the nerves I had are gone. I'm calm. The door opens and he lets go of me and we walk out, and I'm smiling.
                  “I wasn't expecting that,” I say.
                  “I knew you wouldn't do anything,” He replies.
                  “True,” I shrug.
                  “So, can I drive?” He asks, and I'm really nervous about him driving my car. I love my car more than a lot of things, but against my better judgment I agree and hand him  my keys, not that he needs them it is a push to start engine.
                  We get into my car and all I can think about is that kiss, and how much I want to kiss him again. I watch as he adjusts the driver seat of my car to fit his needs, and I act annoyed that I'll have to change it back later. He backs out of the parking spot and I'm already regretting letting him drive. He speeds out of the parking garage and I'm freaking out already. It only gets worse once he gets out to the freeway. I start to say something, but cover my mouth with my hand. Jake chuckles as he speeds down the freeway. He looks over at me a couple times and I yell at him to look straight ahead which only makes him laugh more. He places his hand on my leg and rubs it, “Calm down you are fine.” He says, but I still sit in the passenger seat with one hand over my mouth so I don't scream and the other holding onto the door.
                  First thing he wants to do is go to In N Out burger. He has been saying how much he wants to get that and Barros pizza because they don't have either of those things in Colorado and he misses them, and In N Out is on our way back home. We go to the drive thru, and he asks what I want, but I don't want anything, my heart is still pounding from being with him and him kissing me, and his driving so eating is not the first thing on my mind right now. He gets two double double burgers, fries, and a pink lemonade. We park so he can eat.
                  “I hate eating in front of people if they aren't eating too please have some fries,” He says with his mouth full. I take a couple of fries and eat them, but I'm really not hungry.
                  Once he's done eating we go to his house to surprise his mom. We enter our neighborhood, and I tell him to go the other way so he doesn't pass my house because I don't want to know what my dad would say if he saw Jake driving my car. We pull up to his mom's house and I go around to the driver's side to get in to go back to my house to get ready for work, but he stops me.
                  “What are you doing? Come in,” He smiles, and I almost forgot hot perfect his teeth were. They have always been that way.
                  “No way!”I try to get past him again, but he stops me. He isn't way taller than me, but enough that he can block me from getting somewhere. I'm 5 foot 4 and he's about 5 foot 10 or 11.
                  “Come on, I know my mom would want to see you,” He says encouragingly.
                  “That's so awkward, Jake, no way!” I shake my head.
                  “Come on we are going,” He grabs my arm and leads to me to his front door, even though I'm trying to

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