The Marriage List
pressed hard against her body as his mouth
found hers. She fell into his arms, softening against him. The kiss
grew passionate. She moaned softly and whispered in his ear,
    "Touch me,"
    He responded immediately. His fingers closed
around her breast while his other hand slid down to her bottom and
squeezed, then pulled her up against him. She ground her hips into
his and felt his erection, making her gasp slightly. His hand
massaged her breast, seeking the nipple, which he gently pinched.
They were so wrapped up in each other, they didn't hear the
applause as the ballet broke for intermission. Even the sound of
approaching footsteps did little to stop them. Carrie managed to
pull her mouth away as she heard the tapping of a foot on the
floor. She peered around Grey's shoulder and saw the man standing
still and frowning at them.
    "Get a room. This is the ballet, for
crissake!" he muttered as he walked away.
    Carrie buried her flushed face in Grey's
shoulder and moved her hips back from his. He put his hand in her
hair, brushing it down and kissed her cheek.
    "Sorry, but…" he whispered in her ear.
    "…it takes two," she said.
    He smiled and stepped back from her, waiting
a minute or two before taking her hand and joining the intermission
crowd, keeping her in front of him. Carrie went back to her seat
and snatched up her coat.
    "I can't focus on this…the performance…with
you next to me," she whispered in his ear.
    Grey saw a few people staring at them and
knew the man with the frown spread the word about them to others,
so he accompanied Carrie out of the auditorium with an amused grin
on his face. Once in the lobby, he took out his cell phone and
called the car.
    A few more people stared at them as they
walked down the hall and Grey felt his face flush. Carrie started
to giggle when she heard people whispering and noticed the stir
their rapid exit was making. By the time they reached the front
door she was dissolved in laughter and so was he. The chauffeur
opened the car door. They laughed all the way back to her
    When the car pulled up to the curb, they were
both wiping their eyes.
    "At least we weren't undressed," she
    Her comment started another fit of laughing.
When they both quieted down, Carrie gathered her coat, purse and
briefcase and turned to Grey.
    "It was an amazing evening, Grey. Thank you
so much."
    "Even if we practically got kicked of the
ballet?" He joked.
    "Dinner was fabulous and the ballet
was…stimulating?" She said, snickering.
    He took her in his arms and kissed her.
    "Goodnight, Carrie. Don't work too hard," he
said, smoothing her hair with his palm. Grey sat in the car and
watched her walk into her building, the car pulled away when she
was safely inside.

Chapter Six
    Carrie didn't worry about hearing from Grey
again. Anyone who was all over her like he was would be back for
seconds…and more. She focused on her work, though it took her a
half hour to come down from the high of the best date she'd had in
    At two o'clock, she called it quits and
called a car service. She was in bed by three and up again at
eight, dragging herself back to the office. Dennis was there,
pleased with her work and loaded with more for her to do. She
planned to stay there Wednesday and Thursday nights until very
late. The call came on Wednesday morning at work. Harried, hassled
and preoccupied, Carrie answered the phone in a gruff voice.
    "That's not the soft voice purring in my ear
last night."
    "Grey?" She smiled, picturing his sexy smile
and laughing eyes.
    "Can't stop thinking about you and it's
screwing up my work day, Honey. Can I take you to a Yankees game
then dinner this Saturday…seats on the first base side?"
    "Saturday?" She asked, pulling out her
    "Please say 'yes' so I can get back to work.
I'm losing money!"
    "I have to work. But I can sneak out for a
few hours," she said, holding the phone very close for privacy.
    "The game starts at 2 p.m. I'll send a car

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