The Love He Squirreled Away

Read The Love He Squirreled Away for Free Online

Book: Read The Love He Squirreled Away for Free Online
Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth
Tags: General Fiction, Romance MM, erotic MM
licked his suddenly dry lips. “Soren... He’s the Alpha of his pack, and soon he’ll be a father.”

    Scarlet Hyacinth
    “A father?” Jack repeated. “Does that mean he has a wife?
    Wolves aren’t like us, Dani. They can’t love more than one person.”
    Daniel felt irritated, as Jack’s words stirred his own discontentment and bothered him more than he’d have liked to admit.
    “It’s an arrangement,” he explained. “He needs to have pups, provide heirs for his family. It means nothing.”
    “Of course it does. Aren’t you going to help raise them?”
    Daniel looked away from his mother’s knowing gaze. “I don’t know. We’ll see what occurs after the pups are born. Now, I apologize, but I truly must meet up with the doctor. I don’t want to be a risk to the children in any way.”
    “You’re not going anywhere,” Sean said. “You’ll stay right here, and we’ll call him to come to us. He won’t refuse, and you’re much safer here, with your family.”
    Daniel wanted to protest, but he knew he couldn’t win. His shoulders slumped as he admitted defeat. He plopped down on an armchair and said nothing. It was only when his mother spoke again that he looked up. “Oh, and don’t think this conversation is over,” she said. “We want to meet your mate.”
    There were nods all around, and Daniel’s mind was invaded by horrifying image of his large family crowding in on Soren. This time, he couldn’t suppress a groan and buried his head in his hands. And yet, in spite of the apprehension he felt, the pain in his chest had disappeared. Perhaps this wasn’t so hopeless, after all.

    * * * *

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected],
    [email protected]
    Subject: Invitation


    The Love He Squirreled Away
    I’m writing as per my mate’s request. We’re having a small bash to celebrate Angel’s birthday. Coincidentally, it also marks about eight months since we adopted him and Clark.
    We’re inviting Carson’s mother, his friends, and their families.
    Attached, you’ll find a tentative guest list. You’re welcome to come, as well, if you think you can behave. I won’t have my children witness any hostility.
    My regards,

    Soren couldn’t help a snicker as he read the short lines from his brother. It wasn’t really appropriate, given the actual content of the message, but he felt amused at Brody’s change of e-mail address. His brother had, indeed, become a one-lamb wolf.
    Sobering, he focused on what his sibling was saying. It spoke volumes of the other wolf’s attitude that Brody had chosen to send the message to Soren’s official e-mail address. Sighing, Soren downloaded the document listing the guests for the gathering, and he frowned in surprise. There were far more people than he’d have expected.
    He spotted Daniel’s name on the list, and he gaped as he realized the next nine persons all had the same surnames—four women and five men. His mouth went dry as he understood Daniel had told his family about their relationship. Now, they would be coming to meet him. Fuck.
    His phone rang, and the display read his father’s name. Irritated, Soren took the call. “Hello, Father,” he grumbled.
    “Hello, Soren. I assume you received the e-mail from your brother?”
    Soren nodded, even if his father couldn’t see him. “I’d like to talk to you about it.” He suppressed a sigh, knowing he needed to tell his father about Daniel. The man was bound to react poorly. “Could we have a meeting today?”

    Scarlet Hyacinth
    “Certainly,” the elder werewolf said. “I assume you’ve decided to tell me why you refuse Carlie as an Alpha bitch.”
    Soren was not surprised that his father had guessed the reason of his idea, or that the other man sensed something behind his denial of taking Carlie as his official mate. In a sense, it made things easier, as Elder Kevin Wade didn’t deal well with shock.
    They ended the call,

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