The Liars

Read The Liars for Free Online

Book: Read The Liars for Free Online
Authors: Heraa Hashmi
into the kitchen, preparing two sandwiches.
    Memory sighed.
    The rest of the day she took off. Prince Cassian, apparently, didn’t let anything go unnoticed. Lisa had already been informed that Memory was quitting her job (and she was less than happy about it), and she was already transferred from her local college to the one he attended, although according to him royalty didn’t need to attend school.
    Although, being ordered to buy “proper clothing” and a new phone was unexpected.
    “I transferred three thousand dollars into your account today. Make good use of it.” He told her over the phone. He even knew her number, which should’ve worried her but instead made her roll her eyes.
    “Also, for a few days after your arrival, you will be staying at a hotel while I get everything organized at the palace. Make sure you stick to the story I told you–that after the tsunami that took your adoptive parents away, you lost your memory.” He said, and Memory inwardly thought it was ironic how she supposedly lost the thing her name symbolized.
    “A tourist from Helviera found you and brought you back. You were put in foster care and I, after carefully working with investigators, found you in Whecombe Pass.”
    Memory rolled her eyes. “I know. I won’t mess up.”
    “I hope not.”
    As promised, she got herself a newer phone, and desperately wished she could get one for Lulu but explaining to her how she suddenly got the money to afford such things would be complicated.
    Not to mention the box of colored contacts she’d received. Thin, bright blue ones–perfect for concealing the dark hue of her eyes, although they were a pain to put in.
    She dreaded the hour where she’d have to start packing, and waited until the last minute to do so. She ran around her apartment, packing even the smallest of trinkets before realizing she’d probably be living in a palace and stuffed bears weren’t really necessary to haul along.
    At the age of nineteen, Memory felt like it was a blessing. A cursed blessing. True, what she was about to do would throw her into jail, if caught, but that wasn’t going to happen. She’d do everything in her power to escape unscathed. Just go in, convince the old woman to write her into the will, and then leave.
    Go in, come out, live a free life. That’s all.
    “Lulu,” Memory started as she pulled her suitcase onto the bus, “I promise everything will get better.”
    Her sister, who’d waken up in the wee hours of the morning just accompany her to the bus stop, rubbed her eyes and yawned.
    Chuckling, Memory waved as the vehicle started moving. “I love you!”
    “I love you too!” Her sister smiled sleepily and waved back. Even as she faded away, Memory kept her eyes trained at the spot Lulu had been standing in.
    She would really miss her.
    To make things less complicated and so that the media w asn’t on their tail, Prince Cassian left one hour before Memory and flew home on his private jet. Meanwhile, she was taking a local flight and was supposed to meet up with him outside the palace gates. A car would be waiting for her at the airport.
    “The head maid, Diana, will be there.” He’d said. But sitting awkwardly outside the airport, watching people filter in and out and give her pitying looks as she waited for her ride, she seriously doubted it.
    The plane ride itself had been nasty. She had sat in the corner of the back of the plane, next to a large woman who snored loudly and a man who wouldn’t stop talking. While a one hour flight wasn’t much to complain about, it was enough to cause an aching back.
    As Memory rubbed her shoulders, moaning when a dull pain flourished around her neck, a rundown car approached her, slowing to a stop. She barely noticed as the person in the front seat rolled down the window and started crying.
    “Oh, Jade.”
    Memory looked up at that, and raised an eyebrow. Wasn’t a limo or something supposed to be coming

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