The Last Straw

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Book: Read The Last Straw for Free Online
Authors: Paul Gitsham
drinking shots. They knew him and everyone sympathises with you when you’re dissing the boss, so they sat with him for a bit. Eventually they figured he’d had enough and called him a cab.
    “Apparently, he did get in the cab, but changed his mind halfway home and got the driver to drop him off outside here. I guess he was going to come back in and have it out with Alan again, but he got distracted by Alan’s rather nice shiny BMW and used his penknife to slash all four tyres and his house keys to scratch some sort of Italian obscenity on the bonnet. Did about three grand worth of damage, I’m told, before one of the security guards stopped him.”
    Crawley’s expression hinted that he might not have been entirely disapproving of his co-worker’s actions. “Well, Alan was all up for doing him for criminal damage, but the University Disciplinary Committee decided that it wasn’t going to do anybody’s reputation any good if this got into papers, so as usual I did my best to pour oil on troubled waters.
    “In the end, I persuaded the university to let Antonio see out his last six weeks on gardening leave. Alan agreed to let me write him a decent job reference, which he signed and put ‘papers pending’ on the references list on his CV. Antonio consented to pay the excess on Alan’s insurance claim. I tell you guys, some days I feel like the Secretary General of the United Nations in this place.”
    “How long ago was this?”
    “About four or five weeks ago.”
    “And has Dr Severino had any luck in finding another job yet?”
    “I had a request to pass on his references a couple of weeks ago to a lab at Leicester Uni. I haven’t heard anything back from Antonio, so I’d guess he’s probably been unsuccessful.”
    Jones nodded, taking note. Severino certainly had a big enough motive and if he had just been turned down for a job that could have been a trigger.
    “Tell us about Dr Spencer.”
    “Tom? Oh, he’s not doctor yet. He’s a final year PhD student.”
    Karen Hardwick half raised her hand almost as if she were at school. However, her voice was firm and betrayed none of the nervousness she was feeling at interrupting her superiors.
    “What stage was his PhD at? Was he still working or writing up?”
    A brief look of discomfort passed across Crawley’s face.
    “He was writing up, although he was still doing a few experiments to tidy things up.”
    “What stage was his thesis at? Was he still in his third year or was he in his write-up year?”
    Jones listened carefully. He had no idea where Karen’s line of questioning was going, but the vibes he was getting off Crawley suggested that he wasn’t thrilled about the direction. That alone made the questions worth asking in Jones’ book.
    “He was in his write-up year. He’d submitted some draft chapters to Alan for editing.”
    “It’s August now. Assuming he started in September, he must be pretty close to the end of his fourth year. Would that be correct? How was he funded and is it still current?”
    “I’m not sure why this is relevant.”
    “Please, bear with me, Dr Crawley.” DC Hardwick’s eyes didn’t leave the increasingly uncomfortable-looking scientist.
    “Yes, he is within a couple of months or so of the end of his fourth year. He was funded by the Medical Research Council. The funding will have ended by now.”
    “How much of his thesis had Professor Tunbridge approved? Is Mr Spencer on course to finish within the four-year deadline?”
    “I wouldn’t know about that.” The lie was weak, but Hardwick decided not to pursue it.
    Sutton now picked up the gauntlet. “How would you characterise the relationship between Mr Spencer and Professor Tunbridge?”
    “Well, Alan was a difficult man, as I think you are realising, and the relationship between students and supervisors is often tense, but I never saw them have a stand-up row like he did with Antonio Severino.”
    Jones looked at his colleagues; they seemed to be

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