The Hunt for Snow

Read The Hunt for Snow for Free Online

Book: Read The Hunt for Snow for Free Online
Authors: S. E. Babin
family it was even worse than being abandoned. She was gorgeous, and witty and fun to be around—all things with her background she shouldn’t be. I watched as she threw back her head in laughter at something Belle said to her.
    Her laughter was infectious and I felt myself smiling in spite of my black mood. Belle lounged back on the bed, arms crossed over her head, and chuckled. Feeling me glance at her, she turned to me with a curious look. I shook my head once and smiled. This thing with her and Robin was bugging me. I’d been gone from the Enchanted Forest for a long time, so it was possible she and Robin had dated or had been even more involved, but Belle wasn’t the type to hold grudges for long. Whatever it was that Robin did to her must have been serious. So far she didn’t want anything to do with him. I studied her face in profile, proud and fiercely intelligent. She was both beauty queen and nerd—and unashamed to admit it.
    Robin would be lucky to have her. He just needed to set some things right. And I needed to figure out what that was and help her. Of course, as long as Naomi or the Huntsman weren’t waiting to jump out and kill me around every corner. I groaned into my pillow.
    The bed depressed next to me, and I felt a cool hand press against the back of my hair. “It will be fine,” Belle said. “I promise.”
    I chuckled. “You’re always so positive. You weren’t there, Belle.”
    She sighed. “I know I wasn’t, but I do know you. When the time comes for an ass-kicking to happen, it will be you doing the kicking. Right?”
    I nodded. “Right.” Of course, I’d rather not do any ass-kicking. I was here because it would be a huge insult not to be. If I could, I’d be curled up on my couch right now watching bad TV and drinking too much wine. Instead I was here, and God forbid, there was a dress with my name written all over it. A dress I hadn’t seen yet, or tried on. As much as Cyndi harassed me about it before we left, I kept stalling and telling her I’d get to it before we left. I didn’t. So whatever she’d brought, I was stuck with. I could only hope the bedazzlement had been kept to a minimum and that she’d kept her word about the no heels rule.
    I sat up, Indian-style on the bed. “Who’s up for lunch?”
    Cyndi let out a
and Belle gave me a thumbs-up. “Hotel or explore the town?”
    Belle gave me the look. “Are you armed?”
    I rolled my eyes. She knew the answer to that question.
    “Fine,” she huffed. “But don’t forget to bring your paperwork.”
    “I’m not a dog,” I said. “I’m licensed and above board.”
    Cyndi slid off the other bed and into the flip-flops she’d discarded on the floor. “Stop arguing and let’s go. I’m starving!”
    I hopped off and crammed my feet into my Converse sneakers, then discreetly reached over and grabbed the vial of pepper spray sticking out of my purse. I tucked that into my front pocket and pretended not to notice Cyndi’s raised eyebrow.
    Belle threw her tangled hair into a messy bun, put on a pair of well-worn sandals and opened the door for us. “Age before beauty,” she said and gestured at the hallway like an overpaid butler.
    We filed out as I double checked to make sure I still had the room key. “Where to?” I asked.
    Belle pulled out a downtown map. We’d been major homebodies during our time here and not once had we ventured out further than just a few miles away from our neighborhood. Mystic Falls wasn’t a sprawling metropolis by any means, but it was large enough to make us a little bit apprehensive. It wasn’t like home, and not everywhere on Earth could you find a friend if you were in need like you could in the Enchanted Forest. “I printed this out before we left. If we go out the front doors and make a left there should be a tourist area full of shops and restaurants.” I couldn’t contain my amusement. As long as she was around, we’d never get lost. Or have much

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