The Harder You Fall

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Book: Read The Harder You Fall for Free Online
Authors: Gena Showalter
boots she wore had enough rhinestones to outshine the sun.
    She stole his breath.
    Jase came up beside him and hammered his shoulder with enough strength to crush an ordinary man. “Now you know. Brook Lynn sent Jessie Kay in her place. I’d hoped we’d beat her here, and you’d never know she’d come. Sorry.”
    Well. The guy’s he-fit after reading Brook Lynn’s text suddenly made more sense.
    Beck stalked past them, an arrow with a target. As always, he devolved into an intense, possessive manimal whenever his fianceé was near, casting a warning glare at every man in her vicinity, all mine, I’ll kill before I’ll share.
    Harlow squealed, happy to see him. Jessie Kay stiffened and slooowly turned toward the door, as if she needed a moment to prepare herself for a coming blow. Her gaze linked with West’s and...just like that, the rest of the world ceased to exist. Desire burned through him, even vibrated in his bones. The air between them thickened, suddenly supercharged with enough electricity to bring down a rhino. Breathing was far more difficult—when the ability at last returned.
    How did she do this to him? How did she ensnare him so easily? And with only a look?
    A drug. She’s a drug.
    She had to be. Only cocaine had the same effect on him.
    At the moment, he didn’t exactly care what she was. Devolving...
    Mine. Want.
    A group of people spilled through the entrance, and someone knocked into him. As West stumbled, managing to catch himself before a fall, the...whatever he had going with Jessie Kay ended, broken abruptly.
    Anger replaced his fascination, and he growled a curse at the person responsible. A curse he then turned on himself.
    â€œSorry, sorry,” the guy called as he continued forward.
    West returned his attention to Jessie Kay, unable to stop himself, hating himself, but she’d reached the front of the line and now worked her black magic on the pimply-faced teenager behind the counter.
    Grinding his molars, West strode to the locker room to store his bag.
    â€œâ€”see the blonde?” some guy was saying. The guy who’d plowed into him, in fact. Without a coat to block the view, West was able to see the black-and-crimson shirt proudly boasting “Ball Buster” on back.
    â€œThe one in the cowboy boots? Dude. How could I miss her?” another member of BBs responded. “Those tits were spectacular.”
    A command to move never registered, but suddenly West was across the room, the guy’s neck in his hand. He seethed with fury and aggression, his words lashing like a whip. “You’re an asshole.” He slammed the guy into the bank of lockers. “You don’t talk about her like that. Ever.”
    Hazel eyes bugged out and air wheezed from a throat close to closing up shop.
    â€œHe’s sorry, man. We’re sorry,” the friend rushed out. “We didn’t know she was yours. Let him go, okay?”
    â€œLet him go,” Jase echoed, now at West’s side. “Ending the life of a fool isn’t on your schedule.”
    He was panting, West realized, as if he’d just run a ball up and down the field for several hours. Any second, he would snap, and there would be no stopping him until it was too late.
    Can’t let that happen. Not around Jase.
    West gave a final squeeze before unlocking his fingers and stepping back. The offenders raced out the door, practically leaving skid marks in their wake. Predatory instincts surfaced, the urge to give chase almost too strong to ignore.
    â€œI know you want Jessie Kay,” Jase said softly. “I know you wish you didn’t. You need to go out with her or forget her, because you can’t go on like this. I see that now.”
    He saw it, too, but he couldn’t go out with her and there was no way he could forget her.
    Still he said, “I’ll clean up, dry out.” Recovery terms. One hundred percent accurate

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