The Great Disapurrance: BBW Shapeshifter Surprise Pregnancy Romance (Chicago Catastrophe)

Read The Great Disapurrance: BBW Shapeshifter Surprise Pregnancy Romance (Chicago Catastrophe) for Free Online

Book: Read The Great Disapurrance: BBW Shapeshifter Surprise Pregnancy Romance (Chicago Catastrophe) for Free Online
Authors: Anya Nowlan, Rory Dale
on her face. Sienna’s heart began to pound as she took in the man before her, bathed in an aura of violence as he was.
    He towered over her, being almost as wide and tall as Logan, but somehow leaner, more built for function. Broad shoulders gave way to a chiseled jaw, high cheekbones and a strong, straight nose. He had messy dirty blond hair that she couldn’t help but want to run her fingers through.
    If they ever needed to recast Thor, he would be a perfect choice. His grasp around her arm loosened as he slipped it from her elbow to her wrist, starting to feel more like a caress than a vice grip.
    Sienna yanked her arm away, the contact suddenly making her feel strange. This time, he let her. He was close enough for Sienna to feel the warmth rolling off of his body and for whatever reason, the sensation calmed her. He was breathing slightly heavy, but that was the only sign that he’s just kicked the asses of two men built like brick houses and walked out of it without a scratch on him.
    Her thoughts were still racing. Was there a point to running, given how easily he caught her earlier? And if she did run, wouldn’t she just be running back into Logan’s arms? She definitely didn’t want to be there.
    The stranger picked up on her hesitation.
    “If you’re thinking of running, go ahead. But we both know I’ll catch you,” he said with a dangerous glint in his eyes.
    His lips curled in a matching smirk. It looked sort of hot on him.
    “Now, are you going to mind your manners and sit up front with me or are you going to force me to shove you into the trunk?”
    Sienna crossed her arms and gave him a defiant look, even though she knew he was right. There was no way she was going to outrun a shifter. Particularly this shifter. And if she was stuck in the trunk, she wouldn’t be able to talk to him to find out what the hell he was after and why he thought she was Holland’s girlfriend.
    The thought of sharing a bed with Holland made her grimace and bile rise in her throat.
    “So, what’s it going to be?” the man asked again.
    “I’ll behave,” Sienna answered, walking to the passenger side door and getting in the car.
    I’ve been behaving way too much lately. How the hell did I get in this mess anyway?
    The vehicle was a sleek black Chevy Camaro and she sank into the leather seats with a tired sigh. All these shifters seemed to have a thing for American muscle. Not that she minded – as much as the shifters tended to be jerks, at least the cars were hot. A small solace, but she’d take whatever she could get.
    Sienna had gotten her wish – she was out from under Holland’s thumb. But she didn’t know if her situation had taken a turn for the better or for the worse.
    Out of the frying pan and into the fire?
    She snuck a glance at the guy, who had yet to introduce himself.
    The man got in next to her, and she could tell he was keeping an equally as close watch on her from the corner of his eye. He pulled out of the alley and headed downtown, handling the powerful car with ease.
    With a start, Sienna realized she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. The way his muscles tensed and bunched as he switched gears, maneuvering through traffic at high speeds, had her mesmerized.
    But he wasn’t her chauffeur. He had just killed a man, evidenced by the smear of red still splattered on his neck. She should have been thinking of ways to escape, not swooning over the guy!
    Racking her brain, she thought of her options. She had read somewhere that you should try to humanize yourself when being kidnapped, form a bond so that the kidnapper would find it harder to harm you. It’s not like she had any better ideas floating around.
    “I’m Sienna, what’s your name?” she blurted out, feeling stupid as soon as the words left her mouth.
    Like he’s going to answer. Murderers don’t just give away their identities to potential witnesses.
    She could see his lips quirk as he considered her question, giving her a

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