The Genesis Project Prophecy of the Seven

Read The Genesis Project Prophecy of the Seven for Free Online

Book: Read The Genesis Project Prophecy of the Seven for Free Online
Authors: C.L. De Leon
tell her, you know what will happen. You know what she will do to us. Think of Mom and Dad, Avie. I’m not sorry I let them go… There was something about the girl. I felt like I had to protect her.”
    Avril gawked at her brother . He opened himself to her at that moment in a way he never had before. Of course she knew they couldn’t tell the General. Their very lives would cease to exist and so would their parents.
    Her parents had escaped or so they hoped . Avril and Garrett had been picked up when the first raid happened. The Militia started with picking off the government, which wasn’t hard because apparently the majority of the government everywhere was gifted and a part of the Militia.
    The Militia proceeded to quietly snatch kids from schools across the country. The news said it was some cult group of weirdos, but my Dad, ever the conspiracy theorist, thought different.
    He believed it was some faction of the government trying to use the gifted as a weapon in warfare.
    He thought the gifted were being corralled like cattle to breed in order to take possession of the children who showed potential for gifts at an early age and test on them or to warp their minds into emotionless killers on command.
    We thought he was just crazy until kids began disappearing in our area. We weren’t the only ones with gifts . We knew that.
    We were a part of a tight knit community in a rural small town in North Texas near Arkansas. Almost everyone in our town was gifted. It wasn’t something we bragged about and showed to the world .
    It started with one at a time, and then whole families disappeared. I shuddered . A chill rolling down my spine thinking of how we were “bagged and tagged” as if we were dead.
    No , we were captured working the fields, feeding cattle and horses our family owned, when we were ‘convinced’ to join ranks with the Militia.
    The General promised she wouldn’t hunt our parents if we agreed to help her cause and not run.
    I rubbed my arm thinking of the brand, wishing we would have just let the cattle and horses starve if it meant we could be with our parents.
    I looked at Garrett watching me and I knew he had traveled the same train of thought.
    He reached over grabbing my hand. “Avie, we can leave. We can go to Texas. We can run. We can try to find Mom and Dad before she does. Avie, maybe we can catch up with those people. There are a lot of factions of rebels in Texas. Avie… Talk to me… I’m only doing this to keep you safe. I promised Dad that if anything ever happened, I would look out for you.”
    “Garrett…” I swallowed hard. “I want to go…I’m scared , Garrett I want Mom and Dad.” That admission was all it took. I broke down and began to cry.
    I’d been so strong throughout this whole ordeal. I just wanted to be weak and feel my mom’s arms around me again. I just wanted to hear her voice telling me it was going to be ok ay. To hear my Dad tell me to let it all out and I would feel better. I clung to my brother.
    My only family left, with my mom and dad lost. I was so scared and the strong face I had put on wasn’t holding up much anymore.
    “Avie...Avie...Avie...” Garrett said holding me “It will be alright. We’re strong individually, but stronger together than we could ever be apart. We should have run. I should have never convinced you to do this. I just needed to buy us time and keep you safe until we found Mom and Dad or a way out.”
    “I know , Garrett,” I said through sniffles “I’m ready to go now. Do you think we can do it?” I asked looking at my brother, seeing that he had tears of his own streaming down his strong face.
    “Avie...We can do it ,” Garrett said smiling. “Like Dad always said….We’ll always have Sonora.”
    Avril smiled back unsure, but willing to die trying. “We’ll always have Sonora.” She sat back in the seat watching Garrett run back in to the gas station coming back out with a bucket, funnel, and gas

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