The Fighter's Girl

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Book: Read The Fighter's Girl for Free Online
Authors: Unknown
about her run-in with Brock, at least not yet. She knew eventually she would tell them, but in all honesty she was embarrassed, especially when he had acted like touching her had been akin to being doused in fire. He hadn’t been able to look at her let alone touch her again after all of that. And here she was, trying to drown her sorrows and pity in booze and good company.
    They made their way down the sidewalk with the rest of the clubbers, and when the big neon sign with the outline of a rhino came into view, a little thrill of excitement passed through her, but that died down when she saw the ridiculously long line of people waiting to get in.
    “It’ll be hours before we get in,” Maria muttered as she eyed the line, too.
    “Oh ye of little faith.” They both looked at Caleb. He tilted his head to the bouncer, and when Izzy got a good look at him recognition settled in.
    “Is that Matt?” She looked at Caleb, and he nodded. Matt, a frequent Slippery When Wet customer, was over six feet tall, ripped like a damn tank, and had the deepest, most intense voice imaginable. He was also gay, and came in with his boyfriend to buy an assortment of sex toys and videos. But tonight he wasn’t wearing his trademarked cargos and polo shirt, or his ball cap. He looked like a badass standing there in all black, his expression like a freaking pissed-off hit-man. Izzy considered him a friend, and hoped that fact helped them bypass the hours of wait that was ahead of them.
    “Hey, Matt.” The bouncer turned with a scowl toward them, but when he saw who they were a smile broke out across his face.
    “Well, shit.” Matt and Caleb clapped each other on the back in the way macho men did, and then Matt turned and enveloped Izzy and then Maria in a big bear hug.
    “I didn’t know you were the guard dog for this place.” He pulled back and actually looked sheepish as Izzy continued. “I thought you worked at some kind of accounting firm or something.”
    “Yeah, well Brody decided he wanted to work here, and I couldn’t let him get thrown to the wolves. I decided to try my hand at being a bouncer. That way I can keep the assholes away from him if they give him shit.” Brody was Matt’s long-term boyfriend, and a little thing. At only five-foot-seven, with the build of a swimmer, Brody looked the complete opposite of the Hulk standing right in front of her.
    “Aren’t you sweet. ” She nudged him with her shoulder, because for a big, bruising man, he had a soft spot for his lover, and the strength to protect him above all else.
    “ Shh , don’t let that shit get out.” He winked and unhooked the rope for them to enter. “Have fun, kids.” They waved and entered the dimly lit, slightly smoky club. The Rhino Room wasn’t set up like most dance clubs. On one side there was more of a sports bar feel with pool tables, leather couches, and big screen televisions. The neon-lit bar took up one whole wall, with bottles and bottles of liquor lined in front of the mirrored shelves. One the other side of the club had more of a retro feel to it with the hanging go-go dancer cages, a few tables spread out, and a polished dance floor right below a spinning mirrored ball. Bodies writhed to the fast paced beat, but before Izzy could stare at their sexually suggestive moves for much longer Maria had a hold of her hand and was leading them through the thick throng of bodies to one of the empty tables.
    “What do you want to drink?” Caleb yelled over the music, and Izzy shrugged. “I’ll just get you something strong.” She nodded and watched him move to the bar. Maria sat beside her and leaned in close to her ear.
    “This place is insane.”
    All Izzy could do was nod in response as she people watched. The women wore clothes that were the size of Izzy’s underwear, and some of the guys even had their shirts off. The scent of sweat, spilled beer, and sex filled the air, but for some reason it wasn’t a disgusting combination, and

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