The Ensnared

Read The Ensnared for Free Online

Book: Read The Ensnared for Free Online
Authors: Palvi Sharma
sobbed loud.
    “No you’re not.” A voice said from
the doorway.
    Melissa felt her heart skip a beat
as she recognized the voice. She turned around and gasped. Standing near the
doorway was one of the riders dressed in leather. He held a gun in his hand and
he put it down gently on the floor before reaching for his helmet.
    Melissa clutched the side of the
table when the rider removed his helmet. She knew who he was. How could she
forget the green eyes, dark hair and broad shoulders? She had left everything for
     “Mark!” she exclaimed.

Chapter Eight
    The minute she had laid eyes on
him, Melissa had felt a surge of hope rush through her veins. Until today, she
hadn’t realized how much she loved Mark and how much she missed him. Seeing him
standing in the doorway like that made her feel safe somehow. Everything would
be fine now because Mark was here to save her.
    But as her eyes travelled all over
him, she noticed his leather jacket and trousers and motorcycle boots. It had
been too dark last night, but her eyes had made out the outfits the riders had
worn and if she wasn’t mistaken, Mark was wearing the very same attire. Her
mind screamed that it couldn’t be true. Mark wasn’t capable of killing innocent
people. He had cheated on her, he had been dominating and selfish, but he
wasn’t a murderer!
    “Mark?” she asked in a whisper.
    Mark stepped inside and Melissa
could hear the glass crunching under his heels. She instinctively started to
search the counter for any sort of weapon, but to her dismay, she found only
ballpoint pens and old receipts stashed away in the shelves underneath.
    “You weren’t supposed to be here.”
Mark said disconcertingly.
    Melissa went behind the counter and
picked up one of the pens. She might be able to poke him with it before he
picked up the gun from the floor and killed her just like Shane and Sara. “I
can’t believe it!” she said.
    “Melissa...”Mark started to say and
then hesitated. He looked all around him with a puzzled expression on his face.
“Is there anyone else with you?”
    “Where’s Jennifer?” Melissa asked.
“If you’ve done anything to her...”
    “Jennifer?” Mark frowned. “When I
found you, you were all alone.”
    “Found me?” Melissa asked. She
glanced towards the exit and wondered what her chances were to escape from
here. She wasn’t quick enough to push past Mark who was taller and stronger
than her. Mark had long legs and before she could have even taken four steps,
he would catch her and kill her right then and there. Plus, he had a gun and
although Mark hadn’t bothered to pick it up yet, it didn’t mean that he didn’t
intend to use it.
    “I saw you jump into the lagoon and
swim towards the islet. I made my way quietly in a canoe and brought you back
here.” Mark explained.
    “Jennifer was right beside me.”
Melissa answered and hated herself for coming so close to tears, especially in
front of him. This wasn’t the time to breakdown or display her weakness. She
had to think fast.
    “There was no one beside you.” Mark
said. “Are you absolutely sure, she was there with you when you fell asleep?”
    Melissa looked down at the pen in
her hands and saw that the nib was blunt enough to break the skin but was
likely to do any actual damage. And then she started to think if she would
really have to use it. Mark looked genuinely concerned about Jennifer.
    “I can’t believe you killed them!”
Melisa accused. She started to go around the counter so that she was now on
Mark’s right. A few more subtle steps and she could make her getaway. “How
could you?”
    “Who else was with you?” Mark
demanded to know. “Who else is left?”
    “What’s wrong with you?” Melissa
asked. “What kind of person kills people for fun?”
    “It’s not what you think.” Mark
said. “Some deserve to die.”
    As Mark spoke, Melissa

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