The Darkest Days (Death & Decay Book 0.5)
slipped from Andrew’s grip and Trevor flung the door
open. In an instant, Trevor sprung from the holding cell and
latched onto Andrew. The two tumbled to the ground in a tangled
mess as Trevor buried his face in Andrew’s neck.
    More shrieks echoed down the halls, and a man
burst through the door to the processing room. The man’s left arm
was a ragged mess where his wrist should have been. He let out
another harsh scream and charged straight for Wyatt.
    Wyatt fired and the man collapsed into a
motionless heap. “Get that door closed now!” More of the deranged
were dashing down the hall towards the holding cells. A few of the
people who were trying to take shelter darted forward to the
    Another shot sounded behind him. Wyatt whirled
around as Stephen pulled Trevor’s inanimate form off of Andrew.
Stephen leaned in as he tried to find any hopeful sign in Andrew’s
all too lifeless form.
    “No!” Wyatt jumped forward and seized the collar
of Stephen’s uniform.
    “No! No! He needs our help! He’s dying!” Stephen
fought back as Wyatt dragged him away from their fallen friend.
    “No, Stephen, he’s dead!” Wyatt hauled Stephen
up and looked him square in the eyes. “He’s dead and in a few
seconds he’ll wake up again but he won’t be the same person. Do you
    After a moment, Stephen nodded, his eyes still
locked on the red pool that had spread beneath Andrew. “Good, there
are people who need us.” Wyatt looked around at the terrified
faces, barely a dozen of them. “Get them in the sally port. We’ll
figure out what to do after that.”
    “We can’t hold them!” The shout ripped them from
their conversation. The door to the processing center wasn’t
closed. Three people futilely pushed against the arms and legs
caught between the door and the frame.
    All at once, the door exploded inward and a
cascade of bodies fell through. The room became overwhelmed with
sound. People screamed as the snarling mass began to pick itself
up. At the head of the seething crowd, Lieutenant Jamie Carter
pulled himself free of the entangled limbs.
    “Get in the sally port! Get to the door!”
    The monsters pulled themselves up and
immediately set upon the survivors who were huddled together.
Screams resounded through the confined room in an ear-splitting
    Wyatt opened fire as more of the deranged
flooded in through the door, which was now propped open by a pile
bodies. With each shot he fired, three more creatures took its
place, and he took a small step back.
    “Wyatt, all clear! Double time!” Stephen’s voice
rose over the clamor.
    After a few final shots, Wyatt spun on his heel
and sprinted for the door. The deranged howled at his back. Stephen
held the door open, ready to slam it closed the instant Wyatt
crossed the threshold. At the last second, Wyatt threw himself
inside and slid like a baseball player trying to reach home
    Relief flooded through him as the door clicked
shut. A fraction of a second later, a thud resonated through the
door. It was followed closely by a dozen more until the sounds
blended together in a rhythmic banging.
    Slowly, Wyatt rolled onto his back. The floor
was nothing more than dirty concrete, but the coolness of it felt
good against his sweat-covered skin.
    After a few moments, Wyatt opened his eyes. What
greeted him was empty space. Alarmed, Wyatt pulled himself up in
one quick motion, causing the few nearby survivors to step back
    “Where is everyone?” He looked around wildly, as
if perhaps this was a cruel game of hide-and-seek.
    “This is everyone.” Stephen’s gaze fell to the
floor. “None of the others made it.”
    One by one, Wyatt looked over the remaining
survivors. Five faces looked back at him. Of the dozens that had
entered the station, only a total of six remained. Wyatt staggered
against the SWAT car parked in the sally port.

Day 2
1:06 pm
    For a long time, everyone just sat and stared at
each other. No one

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