The Complete Poetry of John Milton

Read The Complete Poetry of John Milton for Free Online

Book: Read The Complete Poetry of John Milton for Free Online
Authors: John Milton
Tags: European, English; Irish; Scottish; Welsh, Poetry
roses. / Such, on the distant shores of the land of the Ganges, / is the home of Lucifer, 14 the king, imagined to be. [50] / While I myself was marvelling at the dense shades beneath the clustering vines / and the shining regions everywhere, / behold, Winchester’s bishop suddenly stood before me, / the splendor of stars shone in his bright face; / a dazzling white robe flowed down to his golden ankles, [55] / a white fillet encircled his divine head. / And while the reverend old man advanced in such fashion, / the flowery earth trembled with happy sound. / The celestial multitudes applaud with jewelled wings, / the pure air resounds with triumphal trumpet. [60] / Everyone salutes the new companion with an embrace and a song, / and one among them uttered these words from his peaceful lips: / “My son, come, and, happy, reap the joys of your father’s kingdom; / here rest forever, my son, from harsh labor.” 15 / He spoke, and the winged troops touched their harps, 16 [65] / but for me golden sleep was banished with the night. / I wept for the dreams disturbed by the mistress of Cephalus. 17 / May such dreams often befall me! /
Oct ? 1626
    1 Lancelot Andrewes, who died on Sept. 25, 1626.
    2 the Italian goddess of the dead. The plague was severe in London in 1625-26.
    3 often identified as Duke Christian of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, who died in the Low Countries (Belgia) during the Thirty Years’ War on June 6, 1626, and Count Ernest of Mansfeld, who died on Nov. 29. Adherents of the Protestant cause, they were brothers in arms only. Or perhaps they were King James (died Mar. 27, 1625) and Maurice, Prince of Orange (died Apr. 23, 1625).
    4 Pluto, god of hell and brother of Jove.
    5 Venus.
    6 The belief was the basis of the Roman auspices (
avis spicere
), originally signs from birds in flight or song, which were prescriptions of conduct and prayer to determine whether the gods were favorable.
    7 Proteus, the changeable ancient of the sea, herded the seals of Neptune.
    8 the evening star.
    9 Spanish, i.e., western.
    10 Iris, goddess of the rainbow.
    11 goddess of spring and flowers, and wife of the West Wind. The garden of Alcinous is described in
, VI, 291–94.
    12 the river in Spain, noted for its golden sand in the reflected sun.
    13 Zephyr.
    14 “bearer of light,” the Sun.
    15 Rev. xiv. 13: “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me: ‘Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them’.”
    16 Rev. xiv. 2: “And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps.”
    17 Aurora, the dawn.
In obitum Præsulis Eliensis
                    Adhuc madentes rore squalebant genæ,
                      Et sicca nondum lumina
                    Adhuc liquentis imbre turgebant salis,
                      Quem nuper effudi pius,
       5           Dum mæsta charo justa persolvi rogo
                      Winstoniensis præsulis; 2
                    Cum centilinguis Fama (proh semper mali
                      Cladisque vera nuntia)
                    Spargit per urbes divitis Britanniæ,
      10                  Populosque Neptuno 3 satos,
                    Cessisse morti, et ferreis sororibus 4
                      Te, generis humani decus,
                    Qui rex sacrorum illâ fuisti in insulâ
                      Quæ nomen Anguillæ tenet. 5
       15         Tunc inquietum pectus irâ protinus
                      Ebulliebat fervidâ,
                    Tumulis potentem sæpe devovens deam:
                      Nec vota Naso 6 in

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