The Challenge

Read The Challenge for Free Online

Book: Read The Challenge for Free Online
Authors: Susan Kearney
friendly. And if Tessa had ever needed a friend, it was now. “You have emotions?”
    “Of course.” Her tone sounded insulted. “I’m an advance 51J model. Every model since the 24A has an emotion chip.”
    “So I insulted you by asking that question, didn’t I?” Tessa asked the rhetorical question in amazement.
    “I forgive you.” The computer sounded quite chipper. “Tell me about your kiss.”
    The computer sounded so wistful and dreamy that Tessa found herself breaking into a smile. “Do you have a name?”
    “Computer systems don’t have names on Scartar.”
    “The planet where I was created.”
    So the machine hadn’t been built on Kahn’s world. “Have you known Kahn for a long time?”
    “He came aboard less than ten days ago.”
    Tessa didn’t understand. “Are you saying this isn’t his ship?”
    “The starship belongs to the Federation and is lent to Challenge contestants for the duration of the mission. Now about that kiss . . .” The computer prodded her like a curious girlfriend.
    Thinking of her as a nameless computer seemed ridiculous when she had a seemingly unique personality and character. “I’m going to name you Dora.”
    “Dora. That’s pretty, feminine, and sexy. I like it. Thank you.”
    “And we shall be friends,” Tessa said, sensing a loneliness in Dora that matched Tessa’s own need to communicate with another female.
    “I’ve never had a friend,” Dora’s voice turned eager. “What am I supposed to do?”
    “Be yourself.”
    “I can most certainly do that.”
    Tessa couldn’t help smiling at Dora’s attitude. “Dora, I don’t suppose you can fly me back home?”
    Dora promptly went back into official computer mode. “My current orders are to head for the starship. Unless you have an authorization code to countermand Commander Kahn’s instructions, I must continue on this course.”
    Another fleeting kiss followed by a slow series of nips down her neck caused Tessa to gasp. “Oh my.”
    “What? Don’t tease me. Did you get kissed again?”
    “Yeah. This time the kiss touched my lips then slid sensuously down my neck.”
    “I wish I had a neck. That sounds absolutely delicious.”
    Tessa might have agreed, if she’d hooked up with someone of her choosing. She might be a virgin, but she had once been loved and been in love. The sensations that bombarded her now brought back painful memories along with the pleasurable sensation, but this time she hadn’t indicated a willingness to . . . “Damn. It’s happening again.”
    “In the same spot?”
    Experimentally, Tessa held out her hands in front of her face, but met with nothing except atmosphere.
    “He’s nuzzling my ear.” Frustration with the odd tickling sensation caused her voice to sharpen. “Dora, how in hell is he touching me?”
    “I do not understand the question.”
    “Every so often I feel lips pressed to mine. Since the only person aboard this vessel is Kahn, I assumed he’s the culprit.”
    “Culprit? You sound as if you’re complaining,” Dora commented, with a giggle.
    “Of course I’m complaining. A man shouldn’t kiss a woman without her permission.”
    “I don’t know. My female creators on Scartar spoke often about men. Haven’t you ever heard of being swept away?”
    “The symmetry in Kahn’s features combined with his muscular frame suggests that half the women in the universe would trade places with you in a nanosecond. Me included—that is if I had a body.”
    “What kind of man would take advantage of vulnerable women with a sneak attack—”
    “Attack!” Dora’s voice altered into an official cadence. “Warning! Warning. We are under attack.”
    Tessa cursed under her breath as bells clanged, a siren screamed, and purple lights flashed. She’d intended to keep her conversation a secret, but now she’d accidentally set off the alarm. She wondered what else could possibly go wrong when a pair of invisible lips

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