The Cartel 2: Tale of the Murda Mamas

Read The Cartel 2: Tale of the Murda Mamas for Free Online

Book: Read The Cartel 2: Tale of the Murda Mamas for Free Online
Authors: Ashley & JaQuavis
situation. Perry had put her in it before her time, so I didn’t judge her for wanting to get rid of it secretly.
    Anisa was weak and could barely stand, so I helped her to our room and cleaned up the mess. I gave her two of our mother’s pain prescriptions and washed her up before she fell asleep. This was the first time that I was grateful for my mother’s ignorance. I didn’t want her to come in and find out what we had done.
    Just as I went to throw away the bloody towel, my mother was coming up the steps. “Where did all that blood come from?” she asked.
    “I… um … I… it was from the fight. I got cut and I had to clean it,” I lied.
    “Oh, well, that serves you right for fighting in the first place,” she said. “I was coming to tell you and your sister that I’m off to work. Perry will be home in about an hour. Come lock the door behind me.”
    I followed her to the door, and once she was gone, I raced back up to Anisa. She was still asleep. I lay beside her and we wrapped our arms around each other. I knew that we had to get out of that house. Even at such a young age, I was aware of danger. I just felt it in the pit of my stomach that things were never going to get better. With Perry around we would never feel safe, and Anisa had just gone through hell just to hide what he was doing to her. I wanted out. I wanted something better for both me and Anisa, and I promised myself that once we broke free, we would never look back.
    *   *   *
    I awoke when I felt the bed sink down on Anisa’s side, but I didn’t open my eyes. I already knew it was Perry. I recognized the familiar scent. It made me gag, and I felt a burning at the back of my throat. I hated him for what he had done to Anisa. I knew what he wanted, and I froze out of fear. I lay there stiff as a board, playing possum. I prayed that this night wouldn’t be like all the others. It was this night that made me lose faith in God, because if there truly was one, He would have surely intervened. God would have protected us … saved us.
    “No, stop!” I heard Anisa say. “Please, just not tonight! I can’t!” she cried.
    I had never heard her sound so weak, and I squeezed my eyes tightly as my heart beat out of my chest.
Please God, help her,
I pleaded. But just like all the other times, God never came.
    Perry pulled Anisa by the arm, but I got up and pulled her other arm. “She said no!” I screamed.
    Perry stopped and looked at Anisa with a menacing smirk. “It’s either you or her.” That was the choice he gave her.
    I trembled, and Anisa looked back at me while gripping her stomach. I could tell she was still in pain. Tears fell down her face. She hugged me and whispered, “Everything will be alright, Mia. Go to the closet and wait for me to come and get you.”
    “No!” I said defiantly, my tears no longer willing to hide. “I’ll do it, Anisa. He can take me this time.” Snot dripped down my nose as Perry forcefully grabbed me from the bed, carrying me out of the room by my waist kicking, and screaming.
    “No! Let her go!” Anisa screamed as she fought him. “Please! Stop it … she’s too young!”
    Perry turned around and backhanded Anisa into the wall and threw me to the ground. “Bitch, get your ass up and let’s go!” he yelled at her. I crawled over to Anisa and we huddled in the corner.
    “Anisa, don’t go!” I whispered.
    Perry loomed over us as he unbuckled his pants and pulled out his oversized penis.
    “Miamor, go get in the closet,” Anisa whispered. I shook my head no.
    “Just do it!” she yelled in between her tears.
    Anisa left with Perry, and I climbed into the closet, covering my ears while crying uncontrollably. This had to stop. I couldn’t understand why this was happening to my sister. It all seemed so unfair.
    The scream sent shivers up and down my spine. I had never heard my sister scream like that. Something was different this time. She needed me.
    “Aghh. No! It

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