The Baron's New Wife: Regency Romance

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Book: Read The Baron's New Wife: Regency Romance for Free Online
Authors: Emily J. Rose
Henry had taken his place back in his father’s lap talking to Harry. The three of them looked so cheerful and content in each other’s company, Anna couldn’t help but watch the close bond between them. The Baron stroked Harry’s golden hair while also holding on to Henry and the boys joked and teased each other gently as Harry lay in bed.
    Anna stood in the doorway and although she was extremely relieved to see Harry awake; she also had a moment of clarity while she watched them. It occurred to her that she would never be a part of their bond, they were blood related and she would never be fully accepted as a member of their family. The Baron had shown no interest in her since the beginning of their marriage, Henry hardly spoke to her and eventually Harry would grow up and have no reason for her also. She was a wife to a man that didn’t want to be a husband and a mother to boys that weren’t really hers and wouldn’t eventually want her. She could feel the emotion rising within her and tears started to gather. Anna tried her best to hold back the waterworks but her body was too tired to be strong one last time, so she gave in.
    “Anna. Daddy Anna is crying.” Harry pointed at her and she could feel the immediate gaze of all three of them upon her.
    Desperate to hide her embarrassment and overcome her emotions she tried to leave the room, “Please excuse me I’m just so relieved and very tired.” Anna turned to step out of the open door but the Baron quickly hurried over to her.
    “Please, come and sit. You must be exhausted.” The Baron ushered Henry of the seat and took Anna’s hand. He led her over to the chair, sat her down and covered her with a blanket. “You have been caring non-stop for our Harry. Rest, I will have the maid bring some food up for you.” The Baron patted her hand and then left the room.
    Anna sat in shock at how gentle and considerate the Baron had just been to her. Except for his recent actions with the boys, he had never shown her any attention or concern for her wellbeing. She sturdied her emotions and finally relaxed her aching body in the chair. Henry stared at her, studying her face. “Is it true that you have been in here all this time looking after Harry?”
    “I have.” Anna tried to keep her eyes open to answer his questions.
    “Did you not sleep at all?”
    “No. We had to keep him cool.” Her heavy eyelids weighed down and eventually the flickering image of Henry beside her became complete darkness.
    Several hours later Anna awoke to the sound of tweeting birds and a cool breeze touching her face. She was still lying in the chair next to Harry’s bed but it was as though the whole room had been transported into another dimension or World. The sun streamed through the window lighting up the whole room and the noises of nature outside trickled in. The darkness of Harry’s sickness which had brought gloom and melancholy was now replaced with joy and harmony. Everything in the room appeared to have a new life; the drapes had become brighter, the furniture seemed more welcoming and the boy lying next to her had the full colors of health returning to his cheeks.
    Anna, herself felt refreshed after her long sleep and eagerly anticipated walking outside after her long stint of being indoors. She peeled back the blanket and quietly left the room, being careful not to wake Harry. Anna walked out into the hallway and took the time to stretch her whole body. Now that she felt more like herself she quickly realized that she was ravenous and would happily devour any food placed in front of her. With that objective she headed for the dining room in the hope of finding the rest of the family enjoying breakfast.
    As she suspected, she entered to find both the Baron, Henry and even Mr. Field at the table.
    “My dear, you must be famished.” Mr. Field got up and pulled out the chair nearest to Anna, “You were just marvelous taking

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