The Auction

Read The Auction for Free Online

Book: Read The Auction for Free Online
Authors: Eve Vaughn
activity which was a powerful lure for kids in her neighborhood. As much as she hated to admit it, The Run was probably her best option. She only hoped she’d get a patron who would lose interest in her quickly , just like Carl said.
    Tori however, truly learned the meaning of being careful for what she wished for, because not only did she get it, her heart was shattered in the process.

    Chapter Four
    “Foster, are you sure you want to do this?” Dare’s holographic image paced from side to side.
    “Can you think of a better way? Just being wealthy isn’t sufficient to get into an organization like this. You need connections and references.”
    “Yes, but you swore off that life. There has to be another way. If we put our heads together we can come up with something.”
    “Don’t you think I’ve run different scenarios in my head? There’s no other way. I know these types of people.”
    “What’s your plan when you learn who she’s been sold to? I seriously doubt her buyer will willingly hand her over.”
    “I’ll figure it out when I see her. Look, I appreciate your offer of help but I need to do this alone so as not to draw suspicion my way. If any of the proprietors get wind of me being on a rescue mission, bad things can happen. These are dangerous people and no amount of wealth and influence can save me.”
    “And that’s exactly why you need some backup.”
    “Dare, this isn’t your battle. Let me handle it. I know what I’m doing.”
    “This is my business. Granted, I’m not invested in whether this girl is found or not, but my woman is. And if she’s unhappy, so am I. So for her, I’m offering you any kind of assistance I’m able to give.”
    “I appreciate it, but the best thing you can do for me if to keep an ear out for anything you hear on the outside. You have plenty of contacts, powerful ones with lots of secrets. It wouldn’t surprise me if some of our public officials are involved. It would explain why this organization has been able to cover their tracks so well. Dare, these are the types of people you don’t want to be involved with.”
    “But you’re willing to.”
    “I made a promise and I intend to keep it”
    His friend sighed heavily, expression stern. “Just watch out for yourself.”
    Foster grinned. “Careful, O’Shaughnessy, you’re going to actually make me think you care.”
    Dare glared. “Fuck you.”
    Foster chuckled. “That’s the Dare I know. I have to sign off now, my two o’clock will be here shortly.”
    Dare raised a surprised brow. “I’m surprised you’re actually in your office today. You’re going to end up ruining your playboy reputation.”
    Foster took his friend’s good-natured ribbing in stride. “Never that. I’ll check in with you later.”
    “Sounds good.”
    Foster pressed the side button on his holowatch, making his friend’s image disappear. Dare was the only friend who knew a litt le about his past, but not much, just that Foster used to be involved in illegal activities. And then there were those who were fully aware of what Foster had once been involved in but were too scared to speak of it because of fear from retaliation or for incriminating themselves. Foster had never fully opened up to Dare about his past because t here were some things better left unsaid.
    Over the past several years, Foster had done his best to cultivate an image that most people found pleasant. He said the right things, attended the right parties, rubbed elbows with the right people. His one vice was the women which most people expected of a good looking man of wealth. M any thought of him a playboy who coasted through like without a care in the world never lifting a finger to maintain the corporation built by his grandfather.
    Foster didn’t have to work another day of his life if he didn’t want to, but he chose to handle all business matters behind the scenes. Foster believed this was for the best. He figured if people saw him

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