The Alpha Bet

Read The Alpha Bet for Free Online

Book: Read The Alpha Bet for Free Online
Authors: Stephanie Hale
with a thud.
    “See, I told you it was still you,” Jentry laughs, helping me to my feet.
    Later that night, Jentry corrals all the girls on our floor together to go to dinner. Until now, Jentry and I have mostly stayed to ourselves, so none of the girls have a clue about my makeover. For the first time in my life I feel confident about not only my brains, but my appearance, too.
    There are six of us seated at a round table covered with a red and white-checkered tablecloth. We have mostly been discussing classes, which finally start in a few days, and I cannot wait. There is nothing more exciting than opening a pristine notebook and filling it with exciting new facts. I am glad that the university insists on incoming freshman moving in a week before classes start though. It has been great spending so much time getting to know Jentry and now no one on campus will know me as geeky Grace Kelly. Here I’m just GK.
    I plan to spend most of tomorrow routing out the quickest way to get to each of my classes so that I don’t take the chance of running late and missing one ounce of lecture time.
    “So, Grace Kelly, what’s your major?” A chunky girl with ebony hair asks me, interrupting my trailing thoughts.
    “I’m pre-med. I want to be a pediatrician someday,” I answer confidently. I’ve known that I wanted to be a doctor since I was twelve and Sean brutally severed one of my dolls limbs with his baseball bat. I had so much fun fixing her up that I ripped her other arm off on purpose.
    “Cool. It must feel good to know what you want to do with your life. I don’t have a clue,” she says, taking a sip of her iced tea.
    “I’m going to open my own photography business someday,” Jentry pipes up, before sticking a cheesy nacho in her mouth.
    “She’s amazing. You guys should see her pictures,” I brag.
    “Maybe you could do some sorority headshots for me,” Sloane says. If she has any recollection of our first meeting, if you can call having a door slammed in your face a meeting, she doesn’t show it.  She tosses her long, straight blonde hair over her shoulders. She’s so tan she must have spent the entire summer someplace exotic. I’m no label connoisseur but even I can tell that all of her clothes and accessories are designer. She probably sweats money. I can’t stop myself from imagining what her life, as a rich, beautiful girl must be like. I’m hoping that she was just having a bad day the first time we met. I realize I’m gawking and quickly avert my eyes but not before noticing that she has at least one flaw. Her fingernails are bit down to the quick. It takes everything I have not to break into a lecture on the millions of germs lurking under our nails but something tells me she wouldn’t appreciate it. Besides, it is kind of nice knowing she isn’t completely perfect.
    “What sorority are you in?” I ask her. Maybe she is one of those people that you really have to get to know to appreciate their personality, I think, giving her the benefit of the doubt.
    “I’m not, officially, but soon I’ll be an Alpha,” she answers, not bothering to look up at me.
    “That’s really cool. Jentry and I will be rushing the Alphas, too,” I say excitedly.
    “You’re going to rush the Alphas?” Sloane asks, finally looking up. She has this really weird look on her face like I’ve just told her the funniest joke imaginable.
    “Yeah, she is. Do you have a problem with that?” Jentry blurts out before I can answer. I look over at her to see that her cheeks are flushed and that she’s holding her fork more like a weapon than a tool to eat with.
    “To each his own,” Sloane shrugs. “Just remember a haircut and some lip-gloss doesn’t change your entire personality.” She laughs and points to my chest. I look down to see that I’ve dripped marinara sauce all down the front of my new white blouse. I try to blot at the sauce with a napkin but I just end up smearing the entire front of my shirt

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