The Alien's Captive
the bridge to the house. She couldn’t risk breaking them at a time like this.
    She paused on the balcony to glance left and right just to make sure no one was looking. Then she ducked around the corner to the store room. She lifted the wooden beam away, and the door swung open on the lightless room.
    Menlo sat in a corner. Anna cringed when she noticed his wrists tied behind his back. Aquilla must have tied him up when he threw him in the store room. When the light fell on him, he was shifting his position so his weight didn’t crush his hands behind his back, but he couldn’t move very well. He winced in pain no matter which way he turned.
    He squinted into the light, and when he recognized Anna, he compressed his lips and turned away. “What do you want now?”
    Anna stepped into the room and shut the door behind her. She did her best to steady her voice. “I brought you something to eat, but we don’t have much time. Here let me help you.”
    Before he could react, she squatted down behind him. When she saw the knot holding his wrists together, she let out a sigh of relief. She knew that knot. She untied it, and his arms sprang free.
    Menlo rubbed his wrists and regarded her out of the corner of his eye. “Tell me you brought something other than fruit.”
    Anna sat down in front of him and untied her shirt. “I brought you some eggs. I’m sorry I don’t have any way to cook them. I couldn’t cook them without getting caught anyway. You’ll just have to eat them raw, but they’ll keep you going.” She held out the eggs to him. “I’m sorry I couldn’t find anything else.”
    He stared at them for a brief instant. Then, without a word, he pounced on them. He snatched them out of the pouch and cracked them with his teeth. Then he dumped the contents down his throat. Every time he swallowed, he let out a little squeak of satisfaction. Anna smiled at him.
    When he finished, he sank back against the wall with a heavy sigh. Anna collected the shells into her shirt. “I guess Aquilla didn’t give you anything else to eat since he stuck you in here.”
    Menlo didn’t open his eyes. He wiped the egg off his chin with his wrist. “You don’t know how much better I feel after eating those.”
    Anna chuckled. “I thought you might. I’ll try to find something else for you. I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try.”
    Something between a purr and a growl rumbled up out of his throat. “My shoulders are killing me.”
    She put out her hand to rub his sore shoulder, but stopped herself. What if he was manipulating her to help him escape? She shouldn’t even be here. If any Avitras, even Penelope Ann, caught her here, she would be in deep trouble. She’d done her good deed. Now she should get out of there while she had the chance.
    Quick as lightning, Menlo caught her by the wrist. She yanked it back, but he held her in an iron grip. His eyes burned into her soul. “Wait.”
    She struggled. “I have to get out of here.”
    “At least let me thank you,” he murmured. “I wasn’t expecting anybody to give me the slightest consideration. I’m sorry I snapped at you before. I guess I thought I had to protect myself from getting hurt.”
    Anna kept still and waited. When she didn’t answer, he glanced down at his hand on her arm. Then he dropped it with a shudder.
    Anna moved back. Then she smiled at him again. “I better go.”
    “Thank you.” He shifted against the wall. “I don’t even know your name.”
    “I’m Anna. Anna Evans.” She stood up. “Now I better tie you up again. Aquilla will be back soon, and he’ll have to find you tied up or he’ll know someone has been here.”
    He lowered his eyes and nodded. “Go ahead. Just don’t make it so tight this time, will you?”
    She looped the rope around his wrists. “Sorry. I have to tie it exactly the way he left it.”
    He flinched again when she pulled the rope tight. “Aargh!”
    “Sorry,” she mumbled.
    The frustration and anxiety

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