Temporary Husband

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Book: Read Temporary Husband for Free Online
Authors: Day Leclaire
he asked ominously.
    She gave an awkward shrug. “It’s not that. It’s just that none of my former fiancés lived up to their promises. Mrs. Marsh scared them all off.”
    “I’m not those other men,” he snapped. “I keep my word.”
    She prayed he’d still feel that way once he knew the complete truth. But somehow she doubted it. “Do we have a deal, then?”
    “We do.”
    She smiled up at him, daring to tease. “Shall we seal it with another kiss?”
    His eyes glittered dangerously. “Not wise, elf.”
    “Maybe not. But it is enjoyable.”
    He shook his head. “I prefer we do this by the book. First we’ll take care of the prenuptial agreement. Then we’ll have a wedding.”
    “And the kiss?”
    Passion marked his expression, burning in the fevered gold of his eyes. “Once we’re back at the hotel and in the privacy of our own room, you can have as many as you want.”
    As many as she wanted…The thought fired her imagination. It seemed too good to be true. Soon she’d be married to Jake, she’d make love to him. Excitement stirred, and with that excitement came a fragile hope that their relationship would be blessed, that she could fill the emptiness he carried like a leaden weight and vanquish his demons. That a special joy would come from their joining, a joy unlike any they’d known before.
    He needs me, she repeated silently. And I need him.
    “Sit down and take a look at these papers,” he requested, spreading them out on the table.
    She resumed her seat and tilted the documents so the glow from a nearby lantern fell across them. To her relief, the agreement appeared simple and straightforward. Jake stood over her, insisting she read every word. Once done, she signed without a qualm, then glanced up at him. “What’s next?”
    “We have to fill out an application before we can marry. There’s a county clerk stationed in the library with the necessary documentation.”
    Wynne smiled. “Which means all we have to do is find the library.”
    Footmen were quick to direct them and they discovered the county clerk seated behind a massive oak desk processing marriage applications. Her name tag read, Dora Scott, and she’d propped a sign next to her that announced, “For faster service, feed me hors d’oeuvres.”
    “Cute,” Jake murmured, amused. He gestured for a footman and inclined his head toward the sign. “Bring a tray of your best.”
    Dora overheard and grinned. “I appreciate that. You two in a hurry, or just kindhearted?”
    Jake propped a hip on the desk. “No one has ever accused me of being kindhearted.”
    “Which leaves…in a hurry,” the clerk said with a laugh. “Well, it just so happens you’ve caught me during a lull. Let’s see what I can do.” With a speed that left Wynne breathless, Dora whipped through the formalities. Completing the paperwork, she explained each in detail and handed them a pretty blue-and-white envelope. “Give these forms to whomever you choose to officiate the ceremony. The gold sealed certificate is a souvenir, for decoration only. You can frame it, hang it on your wall or throw darts at it for all I care. But it’s not a legal document, so don’t go trying to palm it off as one.”
    “No problem,” Jake said. “Thanks for your help.”
    “My pleasure. Just do me one favor.”
    The clerk held him with a piercing gaze. “Be happy. That’s all I ask. Now go on and get out of here. I’ve got another couple waiting and by the look of the hors d’oeuvres he’s carrying they’re in an even bigger hurry than you two.”
    Documents in hand, Jake and Wynne crossed to the salons set aside for the wedding ceremonies. “It seems we have a choice,” she murmured. “Religious, civil…”
    “Or anything in between,” Jake finished for her, his voice unexpectedly harsh. “Which do you prefer?”
    She glanced at him, about to answer, then caught her breath in dismay. He stood unmoving, his jaw set in rigid lines, his

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