Taste of Candy

Read Taste of Candy for Free Online

Book: Read Taste of Candy for Free Online
Authors: Shoshanna Evers
asshole widened with the pull of the plug. He got it to its widest point and then pushed it back in with a smack to her ass cheeks. Finally, he turned off the vibrator.
    She felt boneless and thoroughly satiated. And yet she knew if he wanted to go again, she wouldn’t hesitate.
    “Thank you!” Candy said breathlessly, the side of her face against the carpet.
    “You’re welcome,” he said. “But I only turned it off because I want you to be able to focus on what I’m about to say.”

Chapter Five
    Uh-oh. Happy conversations didn’t start like that. Candy figured he was going to remind her that this was just a fling—not that she needed reminding. Or did she? She played back everything she’d done, everything she’d said to him. Had she been clingy?
    Candy rolled over onto her hands and looked up at Dave expectantly. “Okay.”
    “You are a great fuck.”
    Candy blushed, and then blushed even harder at the fact that after everything she had done that evening, his language should embarrass her.
    Dave cleared his throat and helped her sit up . “You know I’m on tour now, so—”
    “It’s okay, I knew you’d have to leave after this weekend,” Candy said as Dave uncuffed her.
    She steeled herself against the tiny voice in the back of her mind that wished that weren’t true. A hot little fling was all she wanted anyway. God knows she’d had enough failed relationships to last a lifetime. But Dave Roads didn’t need to be one of those bad memories.
    By walking away now, she’d always have this perfect moment to treasure.
    He took her wrists in his hands and gently kissed them, rubbing her wrists with his fingertips as if to soothe any discomfort away.
    “That’s not where I was going with this . I want you to come with me on tour. I’m leaving tomorrow. You could shack up with me and come to all our gigs—we’re going all over the place.”
    Candy stared at him in shock . He wanted her to go on tour with him? Her thoughts immediately went to her work—but as a freelance graphic designer she had a very open schedule and could work from anywhere as long as she had her laptop and a wi-fi connection. She could literally bring her work on the road with her—and continue seeing Dave.
    But what was the point? So what if he had discovered the secret to making her come, not just once , but multiple times? So what if he was a famous rock star? Did that mean she should just give up her nice normal, life for him? Candy frowned. Her nice, normal, boring life.
    Don’t do it. You’ll have to share him with every other woman out there. He’ll never truly be yours alone.
    But maybe…what if she went with him on tour and just kept her feelings at bay? If she could treat the arrangement as sort of an…ongoing one-night stand, then she’d be okay. Right?
    “What do you think, Candy?”
    “What about the rent on my apartment?”
    “I’ll pay your rent so you don’t have to worry about it,” he said, shrugging. “You’ll always be able to go back home if you feel like it.”
    “You wouldn’t need to pay my rent—as long as I can bring my work on the road there’s no reason I couldn’t just pay it myself.”
    “Is that a yes?” Dave looked at her, excitement in his eyes.
    Candy grinned . Hell, what did she have to lose? As long as she remembered to not get too attached, then nothing.
    “Okay . But just for a little while.”
    Dave laughed and hugged her . “It’s going to be really great having you around.”
    “Won’t I put a crimp on your groupie sex orgies?”
    “I don’t want any other woman. Certainly not some vapid groupie. You’re different, Candy. And all I want right now is you.”
    Candy forced herself to focus on the most important part of what he had just said—specifically, the words ‘ right now.’
    Because no matter what Dave said, he was a rock star with a crazy tour schedule and a million fans eager to sleep with him . She’d be his flavor of the week but

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