Taming the Moguls
the time. I flipped out and accused her of
cheating. She slapped me. When she shouted the truth, I realized I
deserved it, but my fuse was already lit and we went at it pretty
hard. Nothing physical,” Kevin explained when Lyle’s mouth fell
open. “We just got a lot off our chests.” He took another sip. “I
never would have believed she could pack a bag so quick. She took
off, and I haven’t heard from her since.”
    “I haven’t seen her around town, and believe
me, I’ve been looking since I saw you at the wedding.”
    “I’d like to think she’s licking her wounds
the way I’ve been licking mine.”
    “I imagine they’re pretty deep after six
years of marriage.”
    “Six? Not even four, dumbass. Good thing you
majored in lit.”
    “Four, six,” Lyle waved a hand. “It feels
like forever.”
    “Yes, it does.”
    “So what are you going to do?” Lyle
    “On which front?”
    “Both, I guess.”
    “Dodge said he could use some help with the
    “That sounds like fun,” Lyle joked. Helping
Dodge, or any farmer, in the coldest months of the year was the
exact opposite of fun. Kevin especially hated manual labor.
    “I talked to Skipper over at the airport.
They’re looking for someone to run the crop duster come spring if
Manny decides to retire.”
    “He’s been grumbling about retiring for
years,” Lyle said, “but his wife’s not doing well. It might be a
good time to call it quits.”
    “That’s what Skip thought.” Kevin sighed.
“Never thought I’d be wishing for the crop duster job.”
    “Not quite as fancy as airline pilot.”
    “Not even close.”
    “You really think you’ll stick around? What
about the house you just bought?”
    “On the market.” Kevin stared at the label on
his beer as if he could see that house. “Not much moves around the
holidays, and if it doesn’t sell until spring, that ought to eat up
what’s left of my savings.”
    “Does Shiloh know?”
    When Kevin looked up, his answer seemed
redundant. “No.”
    “Don’t you think you should tell her? What if
she heads home and sees a sign in the yard?”
    “She won’t. I know her. She won’t leave her
mama’s ‘til I’ve groveled and promised her the moon. This time, I’m
not going to do that.”
    “Why not? Seems to me like some groveling is
in order.”
    “I screwed up, no question, but I’m done
being a lesser partner in this marriage. I let her talk me into
buying a house we can barely afford. I let her spend money we don’t
have until we’re in debt up to our ears. I didn’t pick up the phone
when she called because I knew I would get yelled at like a damn
kid. I’ve worked my ass off trying to make her happy, and all she
ever did was whine and nag.”
    “Sounds like you might not be ready to kiss
and make up.”
    “I don’t want to make up.” Kevin placed the
empty beer bottle on the coffee table. “I want to start over. I
love her, I always have, but we need a fresh start. Here’s as good
a place as any.”
    “Does Dodge know how long you’re planning to
stay? He was damn near giddy when I moved out.”
    “That’s one of the reasons I’m here.”
    Lyle shook his head as realization dawned.
“Uh-uh. No way. This is my place, and I don’t have room.”
    “Dodge said if I was planning to stay longer
than a week, I had to find my own place. I’m broke, Lyle. I can’t
even afford a dump. If I eat up what little savings I’ve got on an
apartment in town, I won’t be able to pay the mortgage and the bank
will take the house.”
    Lyle jumped up and strode around the small
space. “I just moved in and Erica—”
    “Lives right across the river in a spacious
house of her own.”
    “Damn it, I can’t just move in with her.”
    “Why not? I know you two are hitting the
sheets with that stupid grin and all.”
    “She’s different. I don’t want to live with
her until…”
    “Until?” Kevin asked. “Holy shit. You’re
thinking about

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