Taken (A Bad Boy Romance Book 1)

Read Taken (A Bad Boy Romance Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Taken (A Bad Boy Romance Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Amanda Scott
feel like my chest is going to explode. I actually check my pulse on my wrist just to make sure I’m okay. “That was different. That was…”
    “Love at first sight?” He’s not smiling as he locks in his gaze.
    “No,” I whisper back.
    His voice grows even huskier. “How do you know?”
    “Because I know. I just know these things.”
    I sound ridiculous. I can’t believe I’m even answering these questions right now.
    “How do know if you never even finished what we started?”
    I take another swig, and then look over at the spot where Sarah once stood. She’s gone, but I have way bigger issues right now. I look back at Brady. “That was a fluke. A momentary lapse of sanity, that’s all,” I say.
    He moves in closer to me, so close that his hips are now gently pressed up against mine. “You know you could lose your license for doing that sort of thing with a client?”
    I can’t stop my nipple from stiffening and my eyes from glazing over. “Yeah, I know. Luckily you’re not client anymore,” I say.
    His smile is dirty and hungry. “I’ll be the judge of that, Rookie.”
    “No seriously…”
    He puts his finger up to my lip. “You are so fucking tight, Leila Crawford. And…” He looks around, then gives me the knock-out hypnotic punch. “I think I can really help you with that.”
    I swallow hard but refuse to look anywhere but directly into his eyes, not that that’s any safer. The room around me feels like it’s starting to spin, but not because of the alcohol.
    “I really don’t need any help from you,” I say.
    He moves in close to my lips. “I’m not asking for your permission, Leila.”
    Then the whole room starts to chant in synch with each other, completely shattering the spell that he put me under. “Fuck her! Fuck her! Fuck her!”
    “No, fuck you !” Brady snaps at one of the band guys lying back on the red velvet couch. Brady takes my cup of beer and hurls it at his stomach, causing beer to splatter all over him and the two shirtless girls on his denim lap.
    He rushes up from the couch and wedges between Brady and me. “What the fuck, Stone?”
    “Don’t ever disrespect her like again,” Brady snaps back, digging his finger into his band mate’s chest.
    I feel ecstasy and shame all wrapped into one big ball of mess. Ecstasy because of how unbelievable it feels to be this protected. And shame because my protector himself is more dangerous to me than anyone in the room.
    “What are you going to do about it, Stone? I ain’t like you’re going throw it all away now, am I right?”
    Brady wears a fake smile and digs his finger deeper into his chest. “I’ll walk away from every single bit of this even if it’s just to prove a point to you, Tucker . And besides, I’m willing to bet the rest of the guys in the band would rather look another fucking bassist over replacing me. Am I right motherfuckers?” Brady scans the room with his narrow, rage-filled eyes. Even the floosy groupie girls are giggle-free.
    Rex comes out from a side door with my sister in his arms. Her hair is a disheveled mess as she buttons up her jeans. “Everything okay out here, fellas?” The manager looks back and forth between Brady and Tuck. “Last I checked we kind of have a national fucking tour to kick off.” Rex looks the bassist over and lowers his voice. “Tuck, what are you doing right now?”
    Brady breathes out a long, slow puff of air. His eyes are relatively calmer. “Can you seriously get this piece of shit out of my face Rex?”
    Rex acknowledges Brady with a single nod. “Right on, front man.” The band manager scans the room, then holds a lit joint in the air like he’s passing on the Olympic torch. “Late night at my boy Ty’s pad! Everybody out!”
    A mix of grumbles and hollers ensue. The entire scene, apart from Sarah, Rex, and Brady, empties before I can catch my breath.
    “You coming?” my sister asks.
    I shoot her an evil glare. “Are you crazy? My time here is

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