
Read Suspicions for Free Online

Book: Read Suspicions for Free Online
Authors: Sasha Campbell
shower like I was afraid I might catch something from this place. But I must say, getting a job at the clinic was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. It was an eye-opening experience that taught me to respect myself.
    I was so happy when the last patient took his STD-carrying behind out the building. As soon as the door shut, I grabbed the bottle of Lysol and sprayed the lobby.
    â€œThat’s not how you catch gonorrhea.” Gloria cackled as she moved to the front office.
    I rolled my eyes toward the ceiling. “Whatever, I’m not taking any chances.” As fast as STDs were spreading around the city, you would have thought it was the flu.
    â€œHave you seen Pierre?”
    I took in her big bubble brown eyes, small nose, and thick painted lips. At five-eight, she could have been cute if she wasn’t so damn skinny. “Yeah, he said he’ll be waiting out front.”
    â€œThanks. That man is sooo good to me.” She grinned like her man was really all that, then swung her purse over her shoulder. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    I watched her leave, hoping she contracted something a shot in the ass couldn’t cure. I used to feel sorry for Gloria, but not anymore. She’s one of those women who’s looking for love in all the wrong places, and sleeping with any man who looked in her direction. That chick was in love if her date treated her to dinner and a movie. Seriously, Gloria’s been with more men than I can count, and I’d only been working at the clinic almost two years. I watched her leave and shook my head. She was the epitome of everything I never wanted to be.
    I took the 95th Street bus to Halsted, then walked to my parents’ house. Pappa hated me being out on the streets at night. I agree. The neighborhood was nothing like it was when I was a kid. Drugs and crime were everywhere. But I didn’t have a car. Not anymore. The one I had broke down a month ago. Engine locked up. No oil. Can you believe that shit? I guess I should have asked someone what that knocking sound was. Luckily for me, my job was barely three miles from my apartment.
    I stayed long enough to talk to Mama and promised to pay my daycare bill on Friday when I got paid. I was sick of having to make promises I couldn’t keep. If Tyree would take care of his responsibility, I wouldn’t have that problem. He thought since my mother was watching her granddaughter, she shouldn’t charge me. Business is business, but he wouldn’t know anything about that.
    My apartment was only two blocks up from my parents’ house, but my father always insisted on taking us home when I worked late. I loved my father. We had always been close. I had three brothers, but I was his only little girl.
    â€œI really wish you’d move back home with me and your mother. I hate that you don’t have a car,” he said when we were a block from his house. I’d been hearing the same thing for almost a month.
    â€œI’ll buy another car in September.” I was waiting to buy one when I got my student loan check.
    â€œIf you won’t accept a gift, I could buy you one and you can pay me back?”
    I looked over at my father with his golden brown face and fine salt-and-pepper hair. How I loved that man. “No thanks, Papa. You do too much as it is.”
    â€œThere is no such thing as doing too much for your kids. You remember that.” He pulled in front of my building and was putting the car in Park when I heard him growl, “What the hell is he doing here?” He then started muttering under his breath in Spanish. A Mexican immigrant, he had been raised to never speak his native language in America, but it was times like this he forgot. I knew who it was just by the look on my father’s face. Only one person made Papa mad enough to cuss. I looked over at the door to my apartment building and there was Miasha’s daddy standing out front

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