Submit to Desire

Read Submit to Desire for Free Online

Book: Read Submit to Desire for Free Online
Authors: Tiffany Reisz
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Short Stories (Single Author)
emerged and stood by the bed. He looked immaculate in
his suit. He’s been fully dressed when he’d taken her. Only his feet were bare
and he had abandoned his jacket. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the
handcuff key and released her. She rolled up and tried to straighten her
    “What?” she asked as Kingsley stared at her.
    “You look beautiful.”
    “I look like a rape victim.” She wiped her eyes and a smudge of
eyeliner came off on her fingers.
    “You look like a woman who’s been ravished and thoroughly
enjoyed it.”
    “You scared the shit out of me grabbing me like that.”
    Kingsley sat on the bed next to her.
    “You like being scared.”
    Charlie didn’t answer. Kingsley took her by the chin again,
this time gently. He caressed her bottom lip with his thumb. “You like being
scared,” he repeated. “You don’t have to be afraid of your fear, Charlie. You’re
allowed to be afraid and like it.”
    “Normal people aren’t supposed to like this stuff. Normal
people aren’t supposed to enjoy being thrown down, tied up and practically
    “My beautiful Charlie.” Kingsley kissed her slowly. “Perhaps
it’s time to admit you aren’t normal people.”
    * * *
    Charlotte woke early the next morning. She put on the
black bathrobe and found his bedroom door ajar but no King seemed to be in
    After eating breakfast in his opulent kitchen, she wandered
back upstairs to shower and dress. When she stepped out of the shower, she found
Kingsley standing there waiting with a towel.
    “You’re trying to kill me,” she said as she snatched the towel
out of his hands. “Give me a little warning, please, if you’re going to
shower-stalk me.”
    “You must learn to keep you on your toes. Come here, Charlie.
Let’s see the damage, shall we?”
    Charlotte stepped out of the shower. Kingsley stood in front of
her and unwrapped her towel. Even though they’d had the most intense sex of her
life last night, he hadn’t actually seen her completely naked. Just standing
there in front of him was embarrassing and awkward. He, of course, seemed
slightly aroused and amused as always.
    “How bad is it?”
    “Terrible. I barely left a mark on you. We’ll have to rectify
    “What do you call these?”
    She pointed to the bruises on her chest and shoulders.
    “Just nibbles.” Kingsley bit her wet neck.
    “This isn’t fair, you know.” She wrapped her arms over her bare
breasts. “I haven’t gotten to see you naked yet.”
    “Women tend to fall in love with me when I take my clothes
    “You’re a narcissist. Come on—just a peek?”
    Kingsley arched an eyebrow at her. “Very well. If you
    He strode from the bathroom. Grabbing her towel, Charlotte
followed him into his bedroom.
    She stood in the center of his room while he started to
undress. Today’s look was more Edwardian than Victorian. His jacket had five
buttons and she watched with eager anticipation as he brusquely undid all of
them. Tossing the jacket aside, he unknotted his tie and pulled his white shirt
from his trousers. She gasped when he shed the shirt and stood bare-chested in
front of her.
    “Oh, my God.” Charlotte covered her mouth in shock.
    “You were warned.”
    She reached out and tentatively touched his chest. His body was
what she imagined—lean and muscled and tan. But she never imagined this.
    “How?” She looked up at his eyes.
    “I was in the French Foreign Legion in my early twenties.
Bullet wounds.”
    “You were shot?”
    “Four times. Thankfully all were small-caliber and missed vital
organs. Especially my favorite vital organ.”
    “Thank God.” Charlotte tried to laugh but it wasn’t easy
staring at the four small holes that riddled Kingsley’s stomach and chest. “Was
this from a battle?”
    “Two are from a skirmish. The other two are friendly fire.”
    “Friendly fire?”
    Kingsley grinned at her. “Not terribly friendly, really. My CO
found me

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