Steven: A Billionaire Stepbrother Romance Novel

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Book: Read Steven: A Billionaire Stepbrother Romance Novel for Free Online
Authors: R.S. Wallace
Steven’s bedroom door was open just a crack and light was pouring out of it and into the dark hallway.
    A burst of butterflies flew into my stomach as I neared the door. I was about to put all of my feelings on the line and I had no idea what the repercussions might be. Still, though, I knew that I had to do it.
    I pushed on the door and popped my head into his room.
    “Steven?” I called out.
    There was no response.
    I stepped inside and looked around, noticing the clothes that he had been wearing earlier were laying on the bed. They looked as though they had been carelessly tossed there.
    “Steven...” I called out, once more.
    There was still no response, though.
    I took a few more steps into his room. To my right, I heard the sound of running water coming from his bathroom. When I turned my head to look, I noticed that the bathroom door was wide open and Steven was in the shower, the hot water running over his naked body.
    Whoops... I thought.
    I stopped in my tracks, my eyes locked onto Steven. He was facing away from me, but I could see the entire back half of his naked body. The muscles in his back contorted as he lathered himself up with soap.
    “Wow...” I whispered, as a moist heat presented itself in my crotch at the sight of him.
    My eyes moved up and down his body, watching as the lathered soap slid down his back and across his ass. I could practically feel my mouth water as I stood there admiring him. He was perfect that I could hardly contain myself.
    This is so wrong. I can’t just stand here and watch.
    But despite what I told myself, I stood there. My body began to tingle and I felt myself become more turned on than I had in some time. Steven finished lathering himself up and I watched as he reached down to his crotch with one of his hands. A moment later, I saw him arm moving quickly. It only took me a minute to realize what he was doing.
    Steven leaned his head back slightly and the movement of his arm quickened rapidly. He was jacking off right there in the shower and he had no idea that I was only a few feet away, watching intensely.
    God yes...
    I felt like I had struck gold. My pussy became damp immediately and before I knew it, I had one of my hands over my crotch, massaging my clit over my pajama bottoms. The desperate throbbing in my pussy became more intense, as Steven turned slightly to the side, allowing me to see his cock for the very first time.
    Holy shit...
    His shaft was long and thick and he continued stroking it quickly, bringing his hand all the way from the base to the tip with each movement. My flower pumped out juices as I pleasured myself, causing my panties and my pajamas to soak through in the front.
    Steven placed his free hand onto the shower wall then increased his pace a bit further. A few moments later and I heard him let out a powerful grunt of pleasure. Immediately after, I watched as thick streamed of white liquid poured out of the tip of his cock, spilling onto the shower floor.
    Oh, my God...
    It turned me on so much that I felt myself rise to orgasm. I did my best to stay quiet, so as not to give away the fact that I was in his bedroom. But it was difficult. A powerful wave of ecstasy pumped through me and I felt my legs tremble beneath me.
    “Jesus Christ...” I whispered, as I rode the wave of pleasure all the way to the end.
    As soon as my orgasm was complete, my pussy began to feel content and the desperate throbbing finally ceased. Steven stood in the shower for a moment longer and then reached forward, turning off the water. I knew then that it was time for me to leave if I didn’t want to get caught. I guess I was going to have to tell Steven about my feelings some other time.
    I quickly turned and ran back out into the hallway and toward my bedroom. I needed to change my panties and pajamas anyway. I decided that no matter what, though, I’d spill my guts to Steven by the end of the week. No matter what.


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